Oneshot 108

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Y/n L/n was on a double date with her only cousin, A/n[Any name].It was actually her first date with her first ever boyfriend Jeon Jungkook and she can't help but feel a bit uncomfortable but good thing her amazing cousin suggest on doing a double date and Y/n in instance agreed to the suggestion and shyly chat Jungkook on their up coming double date on weekend and amazingly Jungkook also agreed with excitement.

She wore a cute casual clothing that she mostly own on her closet but on the other hand A/n got full of gorgeous dresses and what she wore made her look so beautiful but Y/n was never jealous of her even when she constantly caught Jungkook sneak some glances on her cousin most of the time.She never complained cause she knew that A/n would never betray her and she already has Josh, her boyfriend.

Sitting infront of Jungkook with A/n who sat beside her whose also facing her boyfriend but the difference is her cousins conversation with Josh is full of laughters while hers and Jungkooks were just silent and gloomy they don't look like dating at all.But Y/n thought that it's normal since they just became one just this week.Clearing her throat silently she tried to gain Jungkook's attention but he was so into staring at A/n and Y/n felt a light pinch on her heart when she saw the way Jungkook was staring at A/n he look... so in love Y/n can clearly see the forming hearts on his eyes.She felt hurt but then she remembered the day Jungkook accept her confession and the smile that faded earlier once again appeared.

All through the date that they had felt so awkward for Y/n cause she was the one who keeps on making the first talk but it would instantly end in a minute then she would later on make one again and it would only ended with the same thing.Jungkook didn't even compliment her like Josh did with A/n and for once she felt jealous with the relationship of her cousin.And so the date ended with them just listening on the conversation A/n and Josh were talking about.Y/n was not happy with her first date at all but she never complained.

Months had passed and her relationship with Jungkook upgraded just a tiny bit like he can finally notice her existence when their on school or when they were in the same class but Y/n felt as if she was just a mere friend and not a girlfriend at all.Is this how girlfriend and boyfriend are?She always ask herself heck she even googled it but the results were the same.No.But she was patient.

Y/n stared on her vacant wrist before biting her lower lips.She lost the golden bracelet that was given to her by her mother that was owned by her old ancestors and she can't believe that it was her who lost the thing that was well taken care off by her mother as what she said.Jungkook who was passing by stop on his tracks when he caught a famiar form crouching onto the ground on his peripheral vision.Walking closer to the sobbing girl he sat beside her but maintain the distance between them.He doesn't even know on why he was still dating her when he clearly doesn't have any feelings for her but it was A/n's request and because of their relationship he can even get closer to A/n than usual.He was happy all through the months that had passed cause now A/n and him are friends and he was even more happier when A/n started to open up to him and his mood always lighten up whenever A/n run to him crying everytime she and Josh fight and he can't wait for the day they would break apart and he can finally be with her but not after breaking up things with Y/n.

Why are you crying?Jungkook tried to say it with a bit of worry but it came out as if he was reading a script.Y/n look up his way and tried to put on a smile but it only turn into a frown when she remembered the loving looks Jungkook gave her towards her cousin.Thinking about it instead of telling her distant lover about her problem she remained quiet and just Shook her head.When Jungkook saw this he then shrug his shoulders thinking that Y/n was just doing it out of nothing.

What a drama queen.He thought.He let out a tsk before standing up from the filthy ground.

Then bye I still have something to do.He said monotonely before walking away leaving Y/n more sadder than before he came.She doesn't know why when they were finally a couple she doesn't feel any feeling of happiness at all instead she was more happier when she would just stare at him from afar.

Wiping her tears with her palm she force a smile on her face before standing up from the ground and followed Jungkook's fading form.She frown when Jungkook stop infront of a certain room that has been vacant for a long time now.Students were forbid on entering the room for it was abandoned after a certain death happened inside the used to be classroom long time ago.Jungkook entered the room with a smile on his face that she never saw him with well except when he's staring at A/n.

Y/n walk closer on the half open door and her mouth went agape when she saw A/n and Jungkook hugging inside and A/n look like she was crying as she sob on Jungkook's chest with her hands place on his chest and Jungkook has his arms wrap around her sobbing form.It broke her heart.When she was crying earlier Jungkook didn't do anything and now...

Big tears drop down the tiled ground at the scene playing infront of her.They look like married couple, they look so perfect.Right when she was about to walk away A/n caught her glassy eyes on the half open door and her eyes widen and instantly push Jungkook.Jungkook was surprise at the sudden push still not knowing that they have been caught.


•Scroll down the part two is on the next chap(◕‿◕✿)

-Your cute author, Jeonlys🐇

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