Suvira Shorts

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This is a series of shorts regarding the Nanny Au, in the 5 year span. I couldn't leave it alone it's just too much material and I love them so yeah. Also, got a M rated present for yall in there. Go nuts. Enjoy!

"Yes, we'll talk about it tomorrow." Kuvira nodded, looking at the person who sat on the other end of her desk. She was on the phone in her office, an impatient Suyin waiting for her to be done for date night.
"Alright, sounds good. Yup." She pulled the phone away from her ear making an effort to show her fiance she was hanging up.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look, it's only ten after, we can still make it."

"Halfway across town in five minutes?"

"Yeah why not?" Su shook her head, sighing.

"I have nothing better to do." Kuvira grinned, throwing her keys into her hand, pulling her feet off the desk and standing to meet her girlfriend.

"You know, I had the weirdest dream last night." Kuvira started, taking Suyin's arm in her own.


"Yeah. It was about you."



"And what was I doing in this dream of yours?" Marrying me. Kuvira almost opened her mouth, she wanted to say it, so bad. But she knew how Suyin felt about it, so instead she avoided the primary subject.

"Suyin, what do you think you were doing?" Kuvira smirked as the elevator doors closed. Her question was responded too by Suyin pulling Kuvira toward her, their lips clashing in a passionate release of pent-up energy. When the door opened and the bell chimed they pulled apart, fixing their appearance before the next person could step in.

"Kuvira." He greeted.

"Devon. How are things in the public department?" He side eyed her, Suyin pretending not to pay attention.

"They're... fine." He lied, pulling down the rim of his suit.

"Good, I'm glad." He snorted shamelessly and Kuvira just rolled her eyes. You can't win over everyone, she learned that when Devon failed to get on her good side. He got off on the third floor, leaving her and Suyin alone again for three more floors.

"Workplace banter, or beef?" Su asked, siding up to her.


"Do share."

"Why? You bored?"


"You didn't have to quit your job, you know. You can get back out there."

"I know... but I can't. I'm done being in the spotlight, being judged for everything I do and-"

"Being with me."


"Come on, Su, we don't have to avoid it entirely. I thought you needed time, so I waited. But you wanted out of the spotlight so you didn't have to hear what people would say when they found out about me."


"Su, it's fine. I'm not mad, hell, I get it. Why do you think I insist on sneaking around here?" Su looked at her thoughtfully, gripping her hand.

"I love you."

"I know, now come, our chariot awaits." Kuvira said, guiding them out of the building.

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