Suyin Part 3

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2 years 9 months later

"I hate knowing this is your last performance," the ringmaster, Kiron, said, shaking Su's hand.

"I know Kiron, but it's time my journey took me elsewhere."

"But why? The people love you! I will never find another metalbending dancer like you."

"Because I have much more to see, and the season is over anyway, one last huzzah, as you called it, in the fire nation capital." Kiron frowned but let it go, allowing Suyin to finish wrapping her arms in the bands Kya had given her, nearly three years ago.

"Alright everyone!" Kiron called for the performers, "the Firelord is here today, let's impress him!" The fire lord? Zuko was here? Could that mean Izumi would be too? Growing up Suyin knew Izumi probably the least of all, she was always a determined child, and being the oldest she was often training with her father or engaged in some book or another. Suddenly Suyin knew this show had to be her best, she knew if she tried hard enough, Zuko would recognize her. She waited, the anticipation of her role building up inside of her and when the familiar sound of the cannon going off let her know she was a mere minute away she felt herself cry, just a bit. She wiped the tears and made eye contact with Juno on the other side, and together they stepped into the ring.

She smiled uncontrollably when she saw the fire lord, and his daughter staring up at her as she dangled from the ceiling, the metal ropes bending to her will. Her death drop came and when she stopped herself by jumping off a boulder she had summoned in mid air the crowd applauded. The show seemed to be over, just as quickly as it had started. Still huffing from the performance she sat down on the bench backstage and removed her shoes, slipping into her travelling boots.

"I told you I'd see a show," Su turned at the familiar voice- Kya was hugging Zinnia, the latter's face still flushed from the performance.

"I had to admit, I doubted you this time."

"I always fulfill a promise."

"Kya!" Su called running up to the waterbender and hugging her.

"Oh and imagine my surprise when I see this one up there," Kya stated, "her I thought she was exploring the world and she stuck around with you."

"She couldn't help it after hearing my circus stories she just had to try it out." Zinnia laughed.

"Hey Su," Kiron called from the edge of the tent, "someone wants to talk to you." He spoke nervously, and gestures with a sole finger point as Firelord Zuko made his way into the tent.

"Zuko!" Su and Kya exclaimed simultaneously.

"Well are you going to stand there or you going to come give your uncle a hug? Surely you haven't outgrown-" the two of them ran up to their uncle, embracing him before he could finish.  "It's good to see you girls again." He said when they pulled apart. Suyin looked  at her estranged uncle, he was older than she was remembered, that she had expected, but she hadn't expected the subtle white hairs that began to grow on his beard.  "Izumi, dear come say hi, that can wait." Izumi left whatever she was doing and came up to them, hugging them individually.

"Izumi... you look great." Kya winked and the firebender shook her head.

"You haven't changed a bit, Kya." She said with a grin. "Su on the other hand.... you look like... well you look older." Izumi was nearing thirty now, and Kya wasn't so far behind, Su was younger than the other two by a  fair amount, at almost 21.

"You, Uncle," Kya said, "look no older than 40."

"Why thank you Kya... your lies are appreciated." They chuckled and Zuko reached out his hand, and Kya took it. "You two must come for dinner. It's absolutely necessary."

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