All over you

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Mild smut this chapter be warned... but really, I know why your here 😉

Lin tossed her can into the bin with holding the smirk on her face.

"Go Beifong!" Korra chanted, chugging the rest of hers. Mako stared at Lin in horror at her hidden talent, she nudged him with her arm.

"Loosen up, kid. You'll miss out on the fun."

"Did I just hear Lin talk about having fun?" Kya interceded, introducing herself into the conversation.

"Kya!" Asami grinned. "How have you been?" The waterbender shrugged, pulling aside the fabric of her shirt to reveal a scar on her stomach.

"Been well, look, Lin, I got one to match." Lin eyed her abdomen, the dark wound definitely something.

"I'm flattered." Lin replied.  Kya winked at her, brushing past Lin as she made her way to the campfire.

"Wow, I didn't know you and Kya were such good friends chief," Korra said with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Well, Kya and I go way back. She's was almost my sister in law after all."

"Oooh, damn." Bolin added. Korra nodded, casting a glance to Asami which Lin ignored, instead returning to the warmth of the fire Mako and the Avatar were supposed to be maintaining. Lin frowned at the dying flames, a result of the kids distracted nature, and tossed a couple logs on.

"Look at you, Lin, drinking contests with the kids, stoking the fire, I'd say this is a new side of the Beifongs." Lin scoffed at Kya's commentary.

"You wish." Kys raised an eyebrow.

"I do?" Lin looked to her feeling her cheeks light up in a blush. Kya chuckled, relaxing back in her chair.
"Say, Lin, how many drinks have you had?"

"4, why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me in a game of beer pong."

"Against who?"  Kya surveyed the area.

"Take your pick." She said. Lin looked at the possible candidates, she could pick Su, certainly, but her sister was practically sleeping on Baatar. Su had always been one to tire easily after more than three. Korra's relentless cheering brought Lin's gaze back to her, and she snickered.

"The Avatar and Asami seem good enough." Kya nodded.

"Alright. Hey Korra!" Kya shouted, "up for a game?" Korra looked to Asami before nodding.

"You're going down, old woman."

"Oh You'll see who's old!" Kya shouted back as she removed herself from her seat. Kya offered Lin her hand, which she took, and they made their way over to Asami and her nearly wasted girlfriend. Bolin set up the table, taking meticulous measurements to ensure it was "fair."

"Flipping the coin!" Bolin shouted. Lin crossed her arms, unable to hide her smile at the goings on of the kids, and her friends.

"Tails!" Kya shouted excitably."

"Aanndddd.. Tails it is, Team.... uh, Beifong and Kya? Anyway, you guys are first." Kya put her hand in the air, and Lin stared at it.

"What are you doing?"

" a high five Lin."

"Oh." Lin' s palm met Kya's, and to her suprise, Kya entertained their fingers.

"For good luck," she explained and Lin shrugged, completely unaware of the waterbenders flirting.  Kya tossed the first ball, getting it in the second back cup, and Korra nearly cried. Asami bit back though, getting two in a row.  Lin took a step back, calculating the angles and force him her head before throwing a perfect shot into the center cup.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora