Pirate AU Part 3

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                          Pink Skies
             Chapter 3: Act of Mercy

It took Lin a moment to adjust to what was going on. Another cannonball sailed overhead and she covered her ears. It overshot, hitting the ocean behind them.

"Open fire!" She called. "Load the under deck cannons!" She raced for the wheel, looking for any sign of Kya, or the Captain.

The other ship fired another three rounds at them, one hitting the second floor. She heard cries of pain and she spun the ship directly towards them.

"Prepare to ram!" She hollered. The Ozai's Revenge was larger, a monstrosity compared to their opponents. It was odd they were even under siege. She grinned, the wind pushing against her face. She let her gaze wander over the crew below. They were well oiled to the ship, they knew exactly what they were doing. She had never seen Pirates so coordinated. Captain Izumi had a reason to be proud of the vessel.

The smaller boat was drawing near, and Lin took the time to wrap rope around her hand, securing her spot at the wheel. 

"Secure yourselves!" She yelled, and the crew did the same. She took a deep breath, waiting for the impact. It hit harder than she thought, sending her backward. Her wrist ached, and she bit her tongue, spitting out blood. The crew yelled, throwing ropes and taking the position to board. She pulled out her own sword, freeing her hand and charging in after them.

She leapt of the railing, using her force to kick a rival out of the way, winding him.  She reared, meeting a blade aimed for her back. She pushed with her force, using the now free window to Slash the bottom of his arm.  He gasped in pain, holding his arm, dropping his sword. Before she had time to respond she was met with another blade. Her opponent sneered at her, and a vague sense of familiarity swept over her.

His skin was darker, like Kya's, likely bi racial the same way she was. His hair was short on the sides, the top tied back into a ponytail. He squinted, a scar on his chin pointing itself directly in Lin's face. 

"Who are you?" Lin asked, matching his force.

"A pirate, same as you." She looked him up and down. He certainly wasn't dressed like one. His coat was knock off of  Earth Kingdom attire the usual gold replaced by a silver.  Lin growled, slashing her sword below his, ducking below his swing. She sliced the corner of his coat, grabbing the fabric.

"Ghazan!" He shouted, and Lin spun around. A thicker man, built like a galleon loomed toward her. She turned back to the first guy, who held his sword prominently at her neck. The thick man-Ghazan loomed closer, howling with glee.

She couldn't stand this. How could she loose? After all the time she spent training. To this scuttle of ship and this ghost crew. Whoever the Captain was, was smart. The man at the other end of the sword smiled, sparking more memory. She had seen this grin before, years ago.

It was the same grin on the man behind her sister just before Lin had lost a part of her face.

"Su." She whispered, preparing for death. She closed her eyes, wincing. But the pain never came. She opened her eyes. Ghazan, or what was left of him stood before her. His head lulled to the side before flopping on the floor. She choked, trying not to vomit as blood splurged from his arteries all over her face. On the other side stood Captain Izumi, her eyes narrowed, holding two long black swords to the side. Lin's eyes widened, watching her.

"You have a knife?" She asked, and Lin nodded.

"Duck and throw. Don't kill him." Izumi lunged forward, pushing herself off the ground. Lin did as she was told, ducking, but keeping her eyes on the Captain. She flew in the air, rearing her swords for a deadly stroke. Lin pulled a knife from her pocket, aiming for the man's shoulder. He was too busy watching Izumi overhead to notice Lin going in for a strike. Her knife hit her target exactly as planned. He was hit with enough force that it pinned him to the wall, next to the Captain's quarters. Lin smiled, satisfied with the effort, but Izumi kept going. Lin watched the taller woman speed across the deck, like a demon. Her movements were so fast, and having attacks from both sides made her extra deadly. She dropped their assailants like they were made of paper.

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