The Chief's Secret

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I'll give you guys a quick update about the happenings. So Kyalin week is at the beginning of November, I have completed 3/5 of my works for it, some are really short some are my average length I haven't gone over 3000 words yet so nothing extravagant. I want to dabble in some more Suvira sometime  I'm so glad you guys responded so positively to it because I like the pairing and the potential for stories with them is awesome. I started a Tyzula piece but I never finished it, idk I didn't like how it was turning out but I may go back and fool around with it some more. Thats all I got for now, thanks for stopping to read and I hope you like this chapter.

A small get together is being thrown at air temple island, its been a while since everyone's seen each other so they decided to have a group supper to catch up.

It wasn't until Lin removed her armor, out of pure habit that she realized her mistake.

"Uh, Beifong, what is that?" Korra asked, looking at a point next to her shoulder. Lin looked down at her chest, blushing.

"Its nothing, collateral damage is all." Korra leaned in closer, her hands on her hips, a smirk appearing on her face.

"Oh my Raava. I know what that is! Asami! Beifong's got a hickey!" Lin face palmed, urging Korra to keep her voice down. Asami ran over, her eyes widening at the sight.

"Korra you werent kidding." Asami said, her too looking closer.

"Stop it," Lin grunted, bending her armour back on, concealing it again.

"Well well well..." Korra smiled deviously, "looks like you owe us an explanation."

"I owe you nothing!" Lin spat, crossing her arms.

"Fine. I'll just ask your sister." Lins eyes widened in terror as Korra hollered for Su, who looked at them from across the way. Korra waved for her to come over and Lin almost sent her flying with a Boulder the size of the island.

"Whats up you guys? Lin," Su smiled with a dip of her head.

"Su, I have something to ask you..." Korra grinned evily and Lin looked away in embarrassment.

"Anything Korra."

"Where might Lin get a hickey?" Su turned to Lin, her eyes wide and filled with an unreasonable amount of excitement.

"Lin!" She gasped, "what is she talking about?"

"Its nothing," Lin replied in her best attempt at a casual voice.

"Its not nothing, spill the tea!" Asami chipped in. Before Lin could reply, Su bent her armor off her, revealing the bruise on its prominent place on her collarbone.

"Oh my God," Su said with a grin. "Lin!" She added in a high pitched tone, giving her sister a friendly swat.

"Its not a big deal. Just a one night thing." She lied. She knew it was much more than a one night thing. But it was her thing, she didn't need them tainting it.

"Is there more?" Su asked, looking Lin up and down.

"No! Stop with the ridiculous questions!"

"Oh there's definitely more," Korra said with confidence.  Lin sighed in frustration, just when she didn't think things could get worse, Kya walked up beside Su.

"Whats going on here?" Kya said, her smirk telling Lin she already knew.

"Beifong's got a hickey," Korra replied.

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