I'm Sorry

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Did someone ask for angst? No. Okay, anyway, here's something totally tragic because I am just feeling down okay. I would say enjoy but if you enjoy this I'd have to be concerned so... warning, character death.

Kya almost missed it. One minute she was walking, hand in hand with Lin, smiling as the sea breeze blew over the two of them. The sounds of the farmers market around them, drowning out the sound of the shot.

"Here, let me hold that." Lin said, taking Kya's coffee and waiting for her wife to tie her shoe. It was in that second that Kya looked away, that one stupid moment she stopped to tie her shoe that she'd regret. If only she had walked another meter, they would've been behind a stand out of view of the monster who shot Lin Beifong. Non-Benders from the empire and the equality had come together and designed a weapon so treacherous in order to "protect" themselves. They called it a gun, and Lin had been working so hard to keep them off this street. And this, this was why.

"Lin!" She screeched. The coffee splattered onto the pavement and the shoppers screamed, ducking behind anything they could.

"Lin" she shouted again, rolling her wife over, holding her head in her hands. She looked Lin over, her heart pummeling at the patch of blood that grew larger with every second.

"Oh my God." Kya panted. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes and she pressed her hand to Lin's chest, summoning all the water she could.

"Kya..." Lin groaned, blood coming out her mouth.

"Lin, its okay, you're going to be okay." Kya reassured her. The water lit up and Kya compelled her power, pressing the liquid into Lin's chest.

"Kya.." Lin spoked again. Kya felt something brush against her thigh, looking down to see Lin's hand. The metal bender mustered her strength, asking Kya to take her hand. As if it was the last time she would.

"Lin please!" Kya pleaded, taking her hand.

"I think this is the end of it for me, Kya." Lin spoke.

"Dont say that!"

"Kya, please." Lin was crying now, her voice cracked with sobs, or pain.

"Lin, I can heal you." Lin forced a smile and Kya lifted Lin's hand to her face, leaving a bloody handprint.

"I know you can."

"Lin we.... I.... I feel like we haven't even gotten started."

"Kya, these past two years have been the best of my life." Kya looked around. Someone must've called the police. Someone could help her.

"Help!' She screamed.

"Kya no." Lin replied, sputtering more blood.

"Lin, let me help you." Kya said, pressing her head to Lin's bloody chest. They both knew the repercussions of thus wound. Gun shots had been showing up on victims for a few months now. Kya couldn't remember Lin telling her of one on someone who wasn't a corpse.

"Kya. I love you. More than anything."

"Lin please don't go. I need you." Kya pressed her lips against Lin's, holding them there until Lin relaxed.

"Kya, I need you to do something for me."


"I send money, to Asami every month, for Mako. He won't take it from me. There's a billfold under my desk, can you give it to him?" Kya nodded. She was covered in Lin's blood now. There no sirens, no one was coming.

"Lin.." Kya cried quietly.

"I won't be gone forever Kya, just for a little while."

"I can't go for a little while." Lin smiled, as much as a dying person could.

"You waited how many years? Fifty? What's ten more?" Kya laughed, the sort of laugh that made her choke. The sort of laugh that didn't make her feel any better. The sort of laugh she gave to someone who was dying.

"Lin, you can't give up." Kya said, holding her close.

"I won't. I'll wait as long as I can."

"Someone will come. Mako will come."

"I know he will." Kya held up Lim's torso, muffling the sound of her tears in shoulder. When she felt Lin's breath still and her heart stop, she let out a wail. A scream, a sound that was trying its best to represent her pain. But it wasn't enough.

"Not a day goes by where I don't die a little bit without you." She whispered, looking at the tombstone. Suyin sobbed into her husband's arms. Kya had no tears left. The grief had ridden her of her connection with water. She preffered the earth now, if she didn't think to much about how her wife was buried six feet under it.

"I love you." She whispered, closing the umbrella and walking into the temple, letting the water smack her around some more.

Here lies Lin Beifong.
Chief of Police- Republic City

"The most selfless woman I've ever met. I love you, Lin."

Yeah it's short but honestly I don't think I have it in me to finish it. I was so upset writing this I just..m I don't know why I do this to myself smh.

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