Circumstances (sequel to TWA)

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So you guys really liked the last one??? Like a lot? Anyway, I got to work and I made a sequel? If you haven't read the last chapter, you should do that first, you should be fine, but its better with the set.

2 years later

Lin tapped her foot under her desk and looked up at the clock. 10 more minutes. 10 minutes until Kya's boat would reach the harbour, and she would be back in Republic city for two whole weeks. Lin wrote to her girlfriend twice a week, it took a while for the letters to get back and forth, but when she received one... well she felt pretty good.

"Chief, we got a report-"

"Shhh." Lin said.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, shhh. If you tell me about it now I'm going to have to stay late, and I'm not staying late today." Her subordinate- Saikhan- looked at her blankly. It wasn't often Lin didn't stay late.

"Are you... is everything okay?" He asked. Lin sighed, Saikahn was probably her one real friend, outside of the children of the gaang circle, but she hadn't told even him about her forbidden relationship with Kya. It was too risky, she could loose her friend, or worse, her job.

"Perfect Saikahn, thank you." He nodded like he was going to say more, but he didn't instead he just bowed out of her office, files in hand. That disturbance had killed two whole minutes, and Lin looked around her office angrily. What am I supposed to do for eight minutes? She looked at the clock again, and stood up, peering out her door. No one was watching, they wouldn't notice if she slipped out, would they? She inhaled and stepped as lightly as she could through the lobby, making her way to the stairs, where she released her breath. She didn't know if she was happy to have been able to slip away, or angry that none of her officers had noticed her leaving. She'd handle that later. If I hurry I can meet her at the Harbour. So she ran, propelling herself with her steel police cables.

Kya squinted at the nearing shoreline. Her heart had been pushing through her chest for the last mile or so, it was like the closer she got to Lin, the faster it got. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, blushing at the thought of seeing her again. Lin's last letter had mentioned a surprise, and Kya couldn't wait. Other sailors had boats parked at the white dock, and Kya saw the empty port her father had reserved for her. And on the shore, in a grey trench coat, stood Lin Beifong. Her arms crossed, a stupid sexy smirk on her face. Kya didn't bother tying up the boat, instead she froze it to the wooden dock, running into Lin's arms. Lin lifted her into a hug and Kya squealed in glee, pressing her lips against Lin in a long passionate kiss. The best thing about coming back was reliving their first kiss all over again.kya reached her hand to Lin's shoulders to run them through her hair, only to met with the fabric of a coat.

"Lin!" She smiled, "you cut your hair!"

"Suprise! Do you like it?" Kya admired her, her eyes tracing over her jawline, at the scars that were now healed, and being shown off with the bob length cut.

"I love it. I love you.' She grinned, and Lin kissed her again.

"Come on," Lin said, hooking her arm around Kya's, "let's go back to my apartment."

"Eager are we?" Kya teased, adding to Lin's blush.

"I just want to see you, alright, with or without clothes on." Kya leaned toward her, pressing a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Lead the way."

Lin ran a hand over Kya's cheek, staring into her beautiful eyes. Kya's soft brown lips were stretched into a grin, and she took Lin's hand in her own, kissing her knuckles.

TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEWTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang