The Games Part 4

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Lin watched as Kya debated back and forth with Korra, over whether or not the Avatar's move was legal in Pai Show. Lin eyed the bottle of wine sitting on the corner of the table, it was nearly empty and she was quite positive Kya had drank two thirds of it herself. She grinned as the waterbender stood up, flipping the board with the rage of her mother, or so Uncle Sokka's story's said.

"Okay, Kya maybe it's time to call it a night?" Lin suggested, taking Kya's arm. Kya stared at her for a moment before nodding. Korra smirked as Lin guided Kya away from the table, she hadn't noticed that majority of the guests had already turned in for the night.

"What time is it?" Kya slurred, nearly tripping on the stairs.

"It's eleven thirty."

"Eleven thirty? How am I this drunk?"

"Well you did start drinking at five."

"Fair enough," Kya said, a hiccup tailing her words. Lin hoisted her up the last few steps, sliding open the door to the waterbenders bedroom and setting her on the bed. Kya stared blankly ahead as she tugged on her top, pulling it over her shoulders. Lin felt her face flush and she looked away, she wasn't entirely sure what to do in this situation. Kya stood up and Lin heard her skirt hit the floor, instead of pulling back the covers of her bed Kya came up to Lin, placing her arms on the metalbenders shoulders. "Are you going to stay tonight?" Kya asked with a frown.

"I shouldn't." Lin replied with a weak smile. Kya hiccuped and nodded.

"You're probably right. Kiss me goodnight?" Kya grinned and Lin pressed her face against hers, a small giggle escaping from the waterbender. They stood there for a few minutes, the light of the moon shining through Kya's window, illuminating them. Kya pulled her lips from Lin's and rested her head on the metalbenders shoulder. Lin stood there and held her, not noticing Kya had fallen asleep until the small sounds of a drunken snore filled the silence. Lin smirked and picked her up, pulling back the covers to her bed and placing her in it. She filled the glass next to the bed with water from sink stopping to admire Kya as she slept.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Lin whispered and Kya rolled over in response. She took one last glance before she slid the door closed, sighing when it creeped shut. She needed to go home and get some sleep, if that was even possible. Tomorrow were the last events, followed by one last blowout party. She couldn't even believe when she actually found herself looking forward to it. The things I have done for that girl. She thought as she stepped onto the midnight ferry.

Day 4

Kya groaned as the light from her window peered into her eyes, waking her from her drunken slumber. Her tongue felt dry and pasty so she reached for the glass next to her bed, surprised to find it full. She downed the liquid and slowly forced herself to sit up.
"What did I do?" She mumbled as she pushed her covers back and placed her feet on the floor. Her clothes were on the floor and she wore only her undergarments. She forced her legs to hold her up, and after momentary wobbling she made for her bathroom, splashing her face with water. She used her hands to ease the headache with water, releasing a breath of relief as the pain ebbed from behind her eyes. She stared at her reflection for a moment, before deciding she had seen enough and stepped into the shower. She forced herself to go over the events of last night, and although foggy, she remembered the best parts. Walking with her arm around Lin's, opening the bottle of wine on the couch. A kiss, followed by another. She allowed herself to dream a little on that detail. And then she poured herself an obnoxious glass of wine, and another two after that.
"That would do it," she snickered as the water flattened her hair. After washing her hair and rubbing herself in her best smelling body wash she turned off the tap and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around her torso she pushed open her bathroom door and re-entered her bedroom, jumping when she saw Lin standing in the corner by the door, in her cargo pants and tank top.
"Oh my god! Lin you scared me," she accused, holding the towel to her chest.

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