Pirate Au Part 10

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Pink Skies
Chapter 10: Bloody Mourning

Lin stared into the open water, waiting, hoping something would come. Wishing that the waves would crash against the boat and bring Kya back to her.

But nothing happened.

She heard footsteps, but didn't bother looking because it could only be Izumi's boots. No other crew members had shoes that made so much noise.

They're numbers had suffered, and it would take twice the effort from everyone to get the ship to the nearest port. But for now everyone rested, taking the time to bandage wounds and grieve.

Come this time tomorrow Lin would be expected to be over Kya, be expected to take the lead and guide them back to Ember Island to recruit more pirates and start all over again.

Izumi sat next to her but she didn't say anything. Lin appreciated the silence as much as she appreciated the company.

Kya was the conversation starter, not Izumi, and certainly not her.

"You know, the last real conversation her and I had was about you." Lin said, breaking her silence.

"The last one her an I had was about... well all of us."

"Probably the same thing then." Lin said.

"Probably." She looked up, meeting Izumi's eyes. The Fire Princess had eye bags, her normally pale complexion was tainted with swollen red features and a scratch on her chin that was still bleeding.

Lin wiped the blood with her sleeve and sniffled. "I don't know what to do without her." She admitted.

"You don't have to do anything, not yet." Izumi replied. Lin scoffed, shaking her head.

"My sister is downstairs having her throat sewn shut and her two weird ass kids are looking at me like I'm supposed to take her place." Lin vented.

"They aren't looking at you." Izumi reassured her.

"Really? If I look right now they won't be staring at us?" Izumi looked, then sighed.

"They are staring."

"Told you."

"Look, Lin, just... do what you need to do, okay? Kya wouldn't want you to sulk forever, but she would also want your attention for at least a week. Give her the time she deserves, then we'll get going. The ship is stocked for a month, we can sit here as long as we need." Lin smiled, wiping a tear.

"Thanks, Zumi." Izumi smiled at the nickname and embraced Lin. They held each other tight, not daring to let go until the Captain was summoned.

"Dont fall in," she warned, before leaving Lin alone with her thoughts.


Lin stared in cold horror as the love of her life plunged into the sea.

"No!" She screamed, reaching out. She held back by an arm around her waist and she tried to break free but she became weak. Suyin crawled over to Bataar, caressing his face, crying his name. She sounded wounded, as though she had been caught in a bear trap and forced to eat off her own limb.

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