Train Wreck

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Guys I'm sorry this one is so sad but I was inspired to write a sad one sorry if I made you cry.

Lin placed a hand on Kya's lap, offering a light smile.

"I'm going to go to the food car, do you want anything?" She asked. Kya shook her head, she had been feeling terrible the entire ride. Evidently it took trains to make Kya feel any type of motion sickness. Lin nodded and stood up, making sure her girlfriend was okay before she left to go get the food. The trip to Zaofu had gone pretty well, and Su had a great reaction to the news of their relationship. Her and Kya had spent an entire just waltzing the city, the waterbender was so enticed by its design she spent the night asking Su all about it. Lin smiled at the memory, usually her sister was intolerable, but with Kya around she found it a little less-so.  She opened the car door, and sighed when she saw the line. She was debating whether or not she was really hungry enough to wait in line when the car lurched. She stabled herself, confused gazes and murmurs echoes around her. Her senses went off and she knew something was wrong.

"Get down!" She shouted, a second before the car lurched again, this time falling to its side. Women screamed and Lin reached out to hold onto a seat, expanding her cables to help others who were almost sent flying. She landed against the wall of the car, when a large sound broke out, sending her into a spiraling panick. An explosion? It sounded like it had come from the conductor. Which was only a car away from her seat, where Kya most definitely was. "Kya!" She shouted, trying to stand up on the slick steel wall and window. Her foot broke through the glass, saved from injury by only her armor. She looked behind her, where civilians were crying, either in pain, or for a loved one who was.

"Everyone stay calm!" She called to them. "Hold onto something. I'm going ahead to check it out, tend to the wounded if you can. Do not make any sudden movements," she directed. She was certain some of these people wouldn't know who she was, but her badge was unmistakable, it declared her as a person of ranking, of stature. She caught the eye of a younger man in the crowd, seemingly a Zaofu guard, silently telling him to stay here and watch over the people. She took a wary step, with a sigh, and walked forward, slowly, when the car lurched again.

"Oof!" Kya landed against the opposite wall with a thud. She tried to prop herself up, but her arm was met with only pain.
"Shit." She cursed. Her eyelids batted as she looked around. Glass had shattered around her, and seats close to the front were torn. She ran a hand over her face, recoiling when it came back covered in blood. The taste of it in her mouth became too strong and she spat it out, along with some vomit.
"Lin?" She asked, as loud as she could. Her mouth hurt, opening it had sent her whole cheek into pain. She managed to stumble to her feet, looking around. Behind her, people coughed, laying 8n the ground, their groans of pain making her uneasy. Infront of her sent a shiver down her spine. The front of the train car was blown apart, and the people on the floor were no longer moaning, their cries could be silenced by only one thing. She wiped tears from her eyes, her hand during a dark red.
"Stay there," she called to a woman behind her. "I'm coming." Before she could make another step, an explosion went off and she was sent flying to the back of the train car.

"Kya!" Lin screeched as another explosion went off. Her ears were filled with screams of terror, drowning out any possibility of a reply. She took one last glance at the people behind her, her instinct told her to stay, it was too dangerous. They needed her here. But the selfish part of her, the part of her that Kya had touched, the part of her that called louder told her to go. So she did. She bent aside the steal, leaping ontop of the tipped over car. She was greeted by black smoke, and the heat of flames. She took a moment to listen, for the sound of a plane, a train, anything, but there was nothing. They were in the middle of nowhere. No one would be coming for quite some time. She began to make her way forward, careful not to step to heavily or she may disrupt the car further. She counted as she passed, and the closer she got to 0, the more destruction she saw. She heard wails beneath her, and thought she should stop, but there was nothing she could do. She hadn't noticed how her hands had began to quake, as she grew closer and closer to the truth. Ashes fell into her hair, from what, she didn't ask.
"Kya." It came out as nothing more than a whimper. She was standing on their train car now, or what was left of it. The front half was gouged open, engulfed by flames, the crisp steel stained a dark black. Lin peered inside, reeling away to throw up when she a man impaled on the steel, his corpse propped up as if he were praying. She took a deep breath, and left into the car, recoiling with a gasp as she hit the floor. It was hot, much to hot. It heated up the metal of her boots, singeing the bottoms of her feet. She fell to floor, burning her palms, scampering to the end of the car in a desperate attempt to escape it. She pulled herself to a torn seat, tears pooled st the corner of her eyes as she stared at her burnt hands. They bled onto the floor, adding to the piles of blood that were already there.
"Kya." It came out as a cry. She didn't want to believe it, she had to be here. She crawled over the seat, screaming at the burnt remains of someone who had been caught directly in the blast. She leaned over again, puking up what was left of breakfast on the floor. The smell of smoke drowned out the scent of burnt flesh rather well, but not when she was in this close quarters. She looked away, closing her eyes, taking a breath. She was the chief of police, she was trained for this. Then she saw it, the white tendril of hair laying on the floor at the back of the car. She had run her fingers through that hair many times, she knew who it belonged to. She used her cables, wincing as her burnt hands gripped them to pull herself forward, no longer caring about the security of the car. She landed on a seat next to the hair, she closed her eyes, preparing herself. She didn't know what was on the other side. All she knew that whatever it was would determine whether or not she died in this car today. She looked over. Kya's eyes were closed, her face was coated in blood, she had a gash from the edge of her lip up to her right ear, making her look as though she had a demented, torturous smile.
"Kya," Lin rasped. Nothing. "Kya." She rasped again. Lin coughed, smoke filling her lungs. She had to get out of here, there's no telling how much toxic gas was in this car. She looked to Kya's feet, she could bend a hole there, and pull the water bender out.
"Hold on," she said, as she mustered the last of her strength and manipulated the metal.

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