Suyin Part 1

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Requested by emapodlesnik

It was ridiculous. Where was she supposed to go? Su kicked the rocks off to the side of the road, her mother had kicked her out of her own home. Kicked out her own child, and she didn't realize it at the time but SU deserved it, and she was better off because of it. She waved down a taxi, it wasn't likely but there was a chance someone was willing to go to Gaoling, all the way from Republic city.

"Where to miss?" The man asked.

"I'm looking to go to Gaoling," the man looked at her and shook his head.

"Not my forte, but might I suggest taking an earth kingdom tour bus? It's not the most ideal or direct route but it'll get you there in a few days time." Su sighed and nodded a thanks before the taxi drove off, leaving her in the street. A tour bus, she recoiled at the thought of it. Before everything she wouldn't be caught dead on a public bus, but now... now it was her only choice. She asked a stranger where she could find one and she pointed her toward the edge of Republic City.

"There's a station, full of buses. I'm not sure when the next one leaves so depending on how important it is you get out, I'd hurry." The woman looked down at her, as if she were some kind of street rat. Didn't she know she was a Beifong? 

"Thanks..." Su grumbled when the woman was out of earshot. She couldn't stop thinking about how her sister looked at her, like she was the worst thing to ever existed. Like Su was nothing but a problem. And now, she would be her grandparents problem. The bus station was exactly where the woman had said it was, and Su scrunched her nose at the smell emanating from the machines. She walked around cautiously, staring at the large guys and other... interesting characters.

"You lost kid?"

"Huh?" She said, turning around. A tall woman, with large arms and long black hair looked down on her. Su's eyes were instantly drawn to the woman's eyepatch, and the scars that could be seen under it. Her reproach to this stranger was largely due to the fact that she reminded Su of her own sister, so she answered like it was.

"I asked if you were lost."

"Do I look lost?" She replied bitterly.

"Oh I see. Rejected by a loved one because of a mistake, probably harming said loved one." Su narrowed her eyes and dropped her gaze. "Wouldn't be the first time," the woman said, reaching out her hand. "The name's Priya." Su raised an eyebrow, taking Priya's hand and accepting the shake. "So where you off to?" Priya asked, crossing her arms.

"Gaoling, I have grandparents there."

"Ah, the legendary Gaoling, rejected home of the great Toph Beifong." Su chewed her cheek at the mention of her mother.

"What about you?" Su asked.

"Oh I'm here scouting, I own a ship down at the harbour. People come to these buses for tours, and well a way out of or into the city. I pick up the strays."  Su's face widened with surprise, she was a sailor.

"You sail? Like the ocean?"

"Sure do, me and my crew."

"Wow... are you a waterbender?" Su asked, leaning into the conversation.

"Me? No no. I'm native to the fire nation, but my crew, they come from all around. Few are benders, most aren't. Bending isn't as helpful at sea it turns out." Su pondered this, her mind straying briefly to the thought of her, living life on the sea, doing god knows what.

"I'll join." Su said abruptly.

"What?" The woman asked, surprised.

"I want to come with you."

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