Chapter 1: "WE'VE GOT A RUNNER!"

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A/n: I'm so excited to see how this story progresses! Thank you for choosing this story!! Please add it to your library so you will get notified when a new chapter is out! I'll be updating regulary :)

I'm also gonna put a meme/Maze Runner photo at the start of each chapter because I have so many amazing ones and wanna share them with people but I don't have any Maze Runner friends🥲✌️ (HINT HINT) jkjk (unless😏) /hj

Olivia's Pov

I woke up in a box. It was skyrocketing up. Fear consumed me as a dreaded thought entered my mind: was this thing going to kill me?

It was nearing the top of wherever its destination was. I was going to die. Oh god. My heart started beating faster, panic blinding me. This was it. This was the end. My final memory would be in a strange box. I didn't even know where it was taking me.

I squinted my eyes and braced myself for impact. The impact that didn't come. It had stopped. I was fine... I think. But where the hell was I?

The doors above me that had previously trapped me inside opened, revealing around thirty five boys. They all stared down at me with an intense, burning curiosity.

I became aware of my chest still rising and falling heavily, trying to recover from my near death mere seconds before.

A boy jumped down and I scooted away from him until I reach the edge of the box, unable to move away any further.

"What is it, Newt?" a boy asked.

"A- a girl. It's a bloody girl," the boy, I presumed was Newt, said, not breaking eye contact with me, stunned with disbelief.

The boys' faces were filled with shock. It was at this point I realise there weren't any girls. I was the only one.

"Can you remember anything about yourself?" Newt asked.

"I-" I started. I hadn't registered I knew nothing about myself. I was too busy worrying about dying. "Why can't I remember anything?"

"That's normal. We've all been through it. Your name will come back to you soon. I'm Newt." I took in all his features. His blonde scruffy hair, his deep brown eyes, his thick, British accent and his tall, lanky body.

He held out his hand, expecting me to take it, but I just pressed myself up against the wall even more. I was overwhelmed by the amount of boys that were staring me. I focused on individuals and noticed most of them stared at very private places.

Fucking perverts.

"You can't stay in here forever, y'know," Newt chuckled, and reached out his hand further. I sighed and took it, and he helped me out of the box.

I was swarmed by the boys. I picked up on little snippets of what they're saying as their voices swarmed me, encasing me.

"A girl?!"

"I didn't think I'd actually get to see a girl."

"I call dibs on her!"

"No, she's mine!"

"Guys she just bloody got here! Shut your horny asses up! You're making her uncomfortable!" It was Newt. Thank god for him. I gave him a small smile as a thank you.

"Everyone go do your jobs while me and the other Keepers decide what to do!" another boy yelled.

The crowd dispersed, with mutters of annoyance and arguing over who gets to date me. God. I'd been here less than five minutes.

"I'm Alby. You've already met Newt, my second in command." The boy who made everyone leave smiled and shook my hand.

I took in my surroundings for the first time.

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