Chapter 23: Struggling

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Gally's Pov

Over the next two weeks, Liv and I keep getting into fights about silly little things. We would make up quite quickly, but fall out again just as fast. Today, I decided to stay out of her way. Maybe we were spending too much time together? I talked about it with Newt, and he doesn't think that's the reason. He says, if anything, we don't spend enough time together. He thinks trying to avoid her is a bad idea, but I don't listen to him.

"I'm just saying, mate, your idea is klunk! You need to talk to her about it" he tries to tell me.

"No! I shouldn't have talked to you about this" I walk off to do my job.

Newt's Pov

Gally is going to regret not following my advice. I am one of Liv's best friends, and also one of the people who know her best.

"Newt!" Olivia runs up to me. "I need help with something"

"What is it?" I ask.

"Come on" She takes hold of my hand and leads me to the forest.

"Is it about Gally, by any chance?"

"How-how do you know?" She chews on her lips nervously.

"Cuz I know you. Is this to do with your constant arguments with him?"

"Yeah. What am I doing wrong, Newt? It's gotta be my fault somehow. I hate falling out with him. I really like him, and I don't wanna screw anything up. How can I make it up to him?" She looks in my eyes, as if she could find the answer in them.

"Liv, it's not your fault. And I think you just need to talk to him about it. It's the best thing to do. Talk to him and try and figure out what's going wrong between the two of you" I tell her.

"Well if it's not my fault, then who's is it? Also, what if he doesn't want to talk?"

"Make him talk" I say firmly. Olivia is my best friend, and I know how much Gally means to her; I don't want her to lose him. He does so much for her, more than anyone else, and he probably doesn't even realise this. She would be a wreck without him.

"Thanks, Newt!" She hugs me tightly then runs off in search of Gally. At least one of them listened to my advice.

Gally's Pov

"Gally!" I hear a voice yell and footsteps running towards me. I don't even need to turn around to know it's Liv.

"I've got to go. Alec needs me" I say, putting down my hammer and walking off into a random direction.

"Gally" she repeats, grabbing hold of my wrist. "We need to talk"

"No. We don't"

"Yes we do! Please. It's about what's happening between us"

"We. Don't. Need. To. Talk. About. It. Ok?"

"See?! This is exactly the reason we do! We're arguing right now! Please, Gally. Please. Just ten minutes. That's it. Then you can walk off and ignore me all you want" I look into her pleading eyes, then sigh.

"Fine" I say, letting her lead me to the forest. We arrive at the lake and sit down. "Ten minutes. No longer. Go" I fold my arms across my chest.

"We're getting into arguments constantly. They're about silly little things, as well! For example, what time we should go to bed, who has to look after Ella for the day while we find a job for her-"

"I get it! You don't have to shucking list them!"

"Fine. You get the idea. But we're supposed to be dating, for gods sake, but it doesn't seem like it at all. The truth is, I love you, Gally. I have for some time. And I don't want us to split up. I don't think I would be able to cope. I want to sort out whatever is going wrong between us, so we can go back to how we were before. We were perfectly fine, then one day, we're not! Is it me? Please be honest" I stare blankly at her. We've never told each other we love each other, not since we confessed our feelings for each other. Why would she tell me this now, when we are constantly at each other's throats?

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