Chapter 15: Banishment

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Olivia's Pov

"WHAT?!" I exclaim. No, no, no, no! This can't be happening! This has got to be one giant nightmare!
"BANISHED?!" I must have heard wrong. They can't seriously be Banishing me!

"It's the rules. Don't harm another Glader" Newt says, his gaze averting mine.

"I didn't- I wouldn't- You guys really think I'm like this?! You know me! I wouldn't harm anyone unless it was in self defence!"

"You call nearly killing the Greenie self defence?!" Newt shouts.

"What?" I'm dumbfounded. Killed?!

"Stop acting like you don't know what happened, Olivia! We all saw his injuries!" Minho slams his fist on the table.

"After breakfast I'm taking you to the Pit" Newt informs me.

Before anyone can react, I get up and start running towards the forest. I don't think anyone followed me, so I go to the treehouse. When I reach there, I see the outline of someone sitting in it. Oh no. Had someone discovered it?

"Hello?" I call out.

The figure stands up and comes into view.

"Gally!" I hug him tightly. We had managed to keep the fact we liked each other a secret as we're still figuring out what we are. "Gally, everything is going wrong! Everyone thinks I nearly killed the Greenie and now I'm going to get Banished, and it's all one giant mess!" I start crying.

"I'm sorry. I tried to change their minds at the meeting, but no one would listen. I've got a plan though. So-"

"Gally, anything we try won't work. I'd rather just spend my final hours with you"

"Ok" I can tell he's completely against what I said, but he knows better than to argue with me about something like this.

We go inside the treehouse, and I lean on Gally's shoulder. I'm still convinced this is all one giant nightmare. Someone better wake me up soon. Or it could be one giant prank. No; they wouldn't do that.

"Gally, I don't want to go" I mumble.

"I know. I know, Liv. I'm not going to let that happen. I promise. I'm not letting them do this"

"There's nothing you can do"

"I can prove your innocence. I will. They're going to see sense and Banish the Greenie instead of you. I swear it"

I sigh. "Stop making promises you can't keep"

"Olivia, why don't you want to do anything about this? You're told you're going to die, and you just accept it!"

"I just want to know what happened" I say.

"I don't know. You'll have to ask someone else. I'm sorry"

I scoff. "Yeah, like they'd tell me"

"Ok, fine. I'll ask them, then tell you. Stay here, ok?"

"Where else do you want me to go? Where all the boys that want to Banish me are?" I roll my eyes, then Gally leaves.

Gally's Pov

I walk over to Newt.

"Newt. What happened?" I ask.

"Need to be a bit more specific, mate" he chuckles.

"What happened with Olivia" I repeat, adding in what I was talking about this time. "Why is she getting Banished?" I fold my arms across my chest.

"She tried to kill the Greenie, who's name is Sean by the way. That's a clear violation of our rules. She must be punished"

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