Chapter 47: "You Didn't Used to be a Goddamn Sheep, You Shank!"

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Gally's Point of View

"What about him?" I ask.

"I know him" she says.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Ever since Sean's Banishment, I've been having these dreams. The Greenie has been in every single one. He's- he's told me stuff"

"Like what?"

"How he is going to find me and kill me because I'm the reason Sean is dead. How I'll see him very soon, and he'll make me pay for everything I have done. I'm scared, Gally. What if he does something? So much has gone wrong! I don't think I'll be able to cope with anything else bad happening" I can hear her trying, and failing, to hold back tears and sobs.

While she talks, I press the occasional kiss to her forehead, resting my head on her and rocking her gently the rest of the time. I could feel how scared she was. It was obvious to me that she feared for her life. She didn't deserve this. Not at all. Why couldn't life leave her to be happy for once?

"I'm sure it's just a coincidence, darling. And, on the very unlikely chance it's not, I'll protect you. I'll always protect you, no matter what" I cup her face with my hands. "That's a promise. I'm not letting some shuck-faced Greenie do anything to harm you. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any point, come straight to me. I'll happily bash his stupid head in" I lightly brush my fingers over her face then slowly bring her lips to mine. I can feel her tear-stained cheeks pressing against me, and it just makes me so angry that she has to feel this way. "I love you"

"I love you too"

I spend the rest of the morning keeping an eye on Liv, rather than focusing on my job, which resulted in me hitting my hand with a hammer, so I have to go to the Medjacks. I tell Newt to keep an eye on her while I'm gone, and he promises he will, even though he was confused about why I asked that of him.

"Jeff can you shucking hurry up?" I complain, frustrated that he seems to be taking a million years.

"Gally, you've been in here two minutes. It's gonna take longer than that, I'm afraid" Jeff replies. "Why are you in such a rush anyway?"

I consider telling him what Liv told me, but quickly decide against it; the less people that know about it, the better.

Roughly three eternities later, Jeff has finished, and I rub outside and head straight to the Kitchens. I open the door and start panicking when Olivia is nowhere to be found.

"Fry? Where is she?!" I ask, trying to reassure myself that she's ok, but the rational part of my brain gets taken over by my fear.

"Calm down, Gally! She just went to ask Newt for some vegetables" Frypan says.

"So she's with Newt?"

"No. She's with the Greenie"

"WHAT?! NO! NO! NO! NO!"

"Gally, I'm being sarcastic! Yes, she is with Newt. Why is it so bad that she might be with the Greenie, though?"

"Never mind" I mumble, leaving to find Olivia. As soon as I'm near her, I wrap my arms tightly around her and cradle her head in my hand. "Thank god you're ok" I mutter, kissing the side of her head.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I didn't know where you were, and Fry made a joke that you you were with the new Greenie and I got really worried- God, I love you" I capture her lips in a soft, loving kiss, running my hands through her hair.

"I love you too" she mutters against my lips.

"Ahem? Guys?" Newt pulls us apart, earning a glare from me. "Don't you guys have jobs to do, rather than sucking each other's goddamn faces off?"

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