Chapter 55: Olivia Plays Peekaboo with Thomas, Minho, Fry, Winston and Zart

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Gally's Point of View

"Hey, guys! Get up!" I hear Chuck call as the Maze Doors rumble open.

This was the moment that I had been dreading all night. The moment when Olivia would truly be dead.

Of course, I've known it all along that she would be gone by now, but without the confirmation, there was a small drop of hope in me. Hope that, somehow, she would have survived. That she would be running through those Doors (hopefully without Thomas) and would hug me tightly.

I force my legs to move and walk over to the Maze Entrance. A few others did the same, worry etched onto their faces.

I knew how hard it would be on Chuck to lose his sister, so I stood by him and patted him on the shoulder.

"She'll be ok" I reassure him, despite the fact I don't believe the words that came out of my mouth.

"I know she will be. She's my sister. She has to be ok"

But when those walls were fully open, the corridor was empty. There was no sign of Olivia, Minho, or even Thomas.

My heart plummeted to the ground. No, scratch that, it plummeted to below the ground. She was really gone. I would never see her again. She would become a distant memory, a forgotten love. Eventually, I wouldn't even be able to recall her voice or her face. I would have to live out the rest of my days without her.

I felt weak, shaky, numb. I seemed to forget how to breathe as I just stood there, unable to move a single part of my body, except for the single tear rolling down my cheek that I was too weak to stop. I try to yell for her, but my voice is nothing more than a raspy whisper. My head ached and my heart was pounding against my chest. Every part of me felt exhausted and drained.

I was full of emotions, yet completely numb at the same time. I tried to release a much-needed scream, but it came out as a hoarse croak. I don't know if it was a scream of grief, or a scream of emotion, so I could feel something, anything.

More tears flowed out of my eyes and streamed down my face, staining my cheeks, as reality seemed to dawn on me.

The strength in my knees became nonexistent as I collapsed on the floor in a heap. I barely register the pain that follows, but even if I did feel it, I wouldn't care.

My sobs came out in waves. Deep, body-shaking sobs that gave away how much hurt I was feeling.

I had always hated crying; they reminded me how weak I was, the salt bitterness that was rich with guilt and despair making me avoid the action entirely. But at this moment, it was impossible to do anything but.

I hug myself, trying to make things better, trying to convince myself that this is all a dream and that Olivia will wake me up soon, filling our hut with giggles and laughter, but I know it's wishful thinking. This is the awful reality that the universe has decided to bestow on me.

I let out small, quick gasps as I try to choke back my tears and regain control over my body.

"Told you, Chuck. They're not coming back" Newt says, casting a sorrowful glance at me, before walking away.

"No way" I hear someone say, I think it was Zart, but I don't think anything of it. I can't get my hopes up again.

"YEAH! YES!" I hear Chuck cheer.

This makes me stand up and approach the entrance.

There they are.

Olivia, Minho and (unfortunately) Thomas, all carrying Alby.

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