Chapter 27: 'These Will Help the Girl'

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Third Person's Pov

The click-clacking that came from Ava Paige's usual white heels echoed in the corridor as she went in search for Janson as Teresa was taking too long, and this matter was urgent and of high importance.

"Ah. Janson. There you are" she greets the man in front of her.

"Dr. Paige. How can I be of service?" His Irish accent had a slight tone of annoyance at this woman who constantly demanded a great deal of him.

"It's Olivia. I think it's time we sent up the pills" Her voice is barely a whisper as she talks, her normally neutral face twisted in concern.

"Are you sure? You said we wouldn't need them until much later"

"I'm sure. I must have miscalculated" Ava was reluctant to admit this, hating to have been wrong.

"So you're saying that you're putting my daughter-"

"Let's be honest. She's never really been your daughter, has she?" Ava replies bluntly.

Janson clenches his jaw, trying to refrain from doing something that could make him lose his position and thrown out into the outside world to fend for himself.

"I'll arrange the pills to be sent up with the next person to be sent up" Janson excuses himself.

"Newt!" Gally runs up to the blonde boy as soon as he sees him.

"Oh. Hey, Gally" Newt tries to think of an excuse to leave before Gally can ask anything about Olivia.


"I've really got to go. I'm sorry. Alby needs me. Bye" Newt hurries off.

"What the shuck?" Gally mutters to himself.

He decides to forget about that weird interaction and get on with his work.

~Three Years Earlier~

Third Person's Pov

"It's nearly lights out! You need to hurry back, Liv" Gally strokes her cheek.

"Who cares?! I wanna stay with you" Olivia pulls her boyfriend in for a hug and starts giggling.

"I know, but you'll get punished"

"I don't care. I'm asking to move into your room anyway" Olivia hugs Gally tightly and refuses to let go.

"I very much doubt that Janson will let you" Gally kisses her head.

"Worth a try, isn't it?"

Gally sighs and shakes his head. "You need to go. Now!"

"Ugh fiiine" Olivia rolls her eyes then gets off the bed. She's about to go into the vents, when she feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"You can't leave without saying goodbye" Gally whispers into her ear, his hot breath tickling her neck.

She spins around so she's facing him, and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek. She tries to climb into the vent, but Gally stops her.

"A proper goodbye, angel" he says.

Olivia smirks as she slowly leans in for a kiss, teasing Gally. He tries to crash his lips against hers, but she pulls away.

"Someone's in a rush" she laughs.

"Stop fucking teasing me"


Gally scoops her up in his arms and throws her on his bed. He then lies on top of her and starts tickling her.

"Gally! Stop!" Olivia says in between giggles.

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