Chapter 2: Enemies

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Olivia's Pov

Minho walked up to us.

"That was some good running, Greenie. I reckon you could become a Runner. You're fast enough," he said.

"A Runner?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell is a Runner?"

"Well, it's what I would have explained if you didn't have the bright idea to go into the Maze," Newt told me, a disapproving look in his eye.

"Uh oh. Gally's coming, and he looks livid." Minho nodded behind me and sure enough, there was Gally striding toward us.

"Nearly finished with this slinthead's tour?" Gally asked. I could practically see smoke coming out of his ears.

"Woah calm down, mate. What's wrong?" Newt asked.

"She risked the lives of twenty people today! She needs to go in the Pit! Alby wouldn't let me put her in there until her tour is finished." He stared daggers at me whilst talking. I was half convinced he was planning to kill me.

"Ok fine. I'll finish her tour-"

"I will," Gally cut off Newt. I gave Newt a pleading look in hopes he would understand I didn't want that to happen.

"Gally, just let me do it," Newt commanded.

"No! Come on, Greenie." Gally roughly tugged my arm and led me away from Newt and Minho.

"I can walk myself!" I tried to loosen his grip, but it didn't work. God, he was strong.

"I'm not letting go, shank. You might run off again."

"Stop calling me shank! That's not even a word!"

"It is. And I'm not gonna stop calling you it. Unless you want me to call you slinthead?"


Eventually, the tour was over. I hated it so much. Gally was rough and definitely bruised my arm. He "accidentally" shoved me over which resulted in me face plant the mud, making me a laughing stock and another reason for the boys to talk about me.

"Here we are, shank. The Pit. You're staying in here for as long as I can convince the others to keep you in here. I hope it's really uncomfortable for you."

"Oh how kind," I said sarcastically as he threw me in and locked it.

I tried to break the doors but it was no use. They were bloody strong. I flopped on the floor with a sigh and rested my head against the wall.

"Hey, Greenie," a familiar British accent said.

"Newt!" I stood up and held onto the bars. A smile spread across my face when I saw him. After the awful day I had with Gally, it was nice to have Newt with me.

"So you've met Gally now," he observed, a grim look on his face.

"Yeah. Unfortunately." I rolled my eyes. "Why does he already hate me?"

"It's just Gally, Greenie. Don't think too much into it. He doesn't like anyone."

"He seems to really despise me."

"What did I just say, Greenbean? Don't read into it."

"NEWT!" A boy with blonde curly hair and blue eyes ran up to us. "I need your help in the gardens. Why are you crouching here anyway?"

"Zart, I'll be there in a sec. And I'm here because the greenie is here"

Zart spotted me and something about him and the way his expression changed when he saw me made me uncomfortable.

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