Chapter 17: Nightmare

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Olivia's Pov

"It's dangerous!" my best friend hisses.

"You don't think I know that?!" I roll my eyes at how dumb they can be sometimes.

"I don't want to lose you" they say defiantly, folding their arms.

"It's a small sacrifice you'll have to make. I've come too far to turn back now. I'm not making you come with me. I'm not forcing you into anything you don't want to do, but this is what I want to do, and you can't stop me" I grab my notebook and head for the door.

"Wait!" my best friend says. I turn around, and they come with me. Thank god. I didn't want to have to do this by myself. "I'm not letting you get all the glory, Liv" I laugh and bump their shoulder with my own.

"Oh shut up, Olivia"

"Never. Now come on!"

I grab their hand and lead them down various corridors: left, right, left, right, until I reach the room that I had feared since I knew what lied behind the doors.

I swipe the stolen keycard and gain access to the room. The sight is more horrific than I had previously anticipated.

Broken glass laid on the floor, forgotten about. Computers were smashed and chairs and tables were overturned. Blood was splattered on the walls and floor and a few droplets could be seen in other places around the room as well. The few lights that actually worked kept flickering, basking the room in darkness then briefly lighting it up again.

I wasn't completely petrified until my eyes discovered a pile of dead bodies in the corner. It was a truly disturbing sight. They were deformed beyond recognition, and most were missing multiple limbs.

Instinctively, I took hold of my best friends hand.

"You sure about this?" they ask.

"Nope" I say as I approach a computer that was slightly less damaged than the others. This room still had power, I knew that, so I tried to turn on the computer. It worked. A smile forms at my face; everything is going according to plan.

"Where is it?!" I say, while searching various files, trying my best to ignore the giant cracks on the screen.

"There!" my best friend hurriedly points at a file. I smile and get my USB stick then copy the file onto it.

"Why are you getting just that file, though? It wouldn't hurt to get them all, right?" they ask.

"Good point" I say, then download all the files I could find. There wasn't a lot, the computer only had things about this room on it. "Got it!" I run out of the room, with my friend close behind me. "Go, go, go!" I say, knowing I spent longer than I should have in the room.

I grab my laptop and plug the USB stick into it. "Let's see what you're hiding" I say, while studying each file carefully, making notes in my notebook about them. I must say, I'm glad I got all the files rather than just one.

"Olivia!" Oh no. They know what we're doing. They know what we're doing and they've found us. I stuff my laptop and notebook underneath my pillow and pray they don't find them.

"Yes?" I answer, as innocently as I can.

"Where is it?" they ask, storming into the room.

"Where's what?"

"You know what I'm talking about"

"I don't!"

"The laptop! Where is it? And the USB stick?!"

I shrug, trying to look as if I haven't just completely betrayed them.

"How about a little bargain, hm?" They smirk. Oh no. Why are they smirking?! "The laptop and USB stick for him" Gally is dragged into the room. A very bruised, heavily bleeding Gally.

"Gally!" I yell, running to him, but the guards that are holding him fight me off.

The person who demanded my laptop tuts. "I thought you were better than this, Olivia. Now come on. Where is it? Or say bye bye to your boyfriend" I watch in horror as one of the guards punches Gally in the stomach so hard, it winds him and he doubles over.

"Don't let them have it!" Gally gasps, while trying to recover from the punch. Shit. I know Gally was trying to help, but now they know I have the things they want.

"So you do have it, Olivia. Hand. It. Over. Now!"

"Never" Bravery washes over me. No matter what, they're not getting what they want.

"Have it your way, then" Guards swarm my room, holding me at gunpoint. I'm told to stand next to Gally. For once, I listen to their instructions.

"I'm sorry" Gally mutters.

"It's ok" I give him a small smile as we're led off to god knows where.

I don't remember much else, but the next thing I know, I wake up with a little pool of blood surrounding me, and Gally staring at me with a worried look.

"Liv!" he says, squeezing my hand.

"What happened?"

"They started leading us here, but you resisted, and they knocked you unconscious on the head with a gun"

"That explains the blood then" I sit up with a slight wince. "I'm gonna have a bloody awful headache in the morning"

"This is all my fault. If I had just kept my mouth shut, then they never would have taken you or found your laptop"

"They found it?" I sit up straight.

"Yeah. They did a full sweep of your room"

"SHIT!" I groan and run my hands through my hair in frustration.

The door opens, making us both jump.

"Hello. My name is Doctor-"

"LIV!" I'm shaken awake by a distraught Gally.

"Gally, why did you wake me up?!" I yell.

"Were you having a nightmare?"

"No. A memory. And for the first time, I was about to find out who someone was, but then you woke me up!" I sit up, pissed at Gally.

"I'm sorry. But you were thrashing about and you screamed a few times, but you wouldn't wake up. All the boys are outside, worried about you" Gally holds onto my hand and the anger I was feeling a second ago dissolves into nothingness.

"You were in the memory" I tell him.

"What? But I thought you never saw who anyone was"

"That's correct. Until tonight. I could see who you were, your voice wasn't distorted and people said your name. Nothing like that has ever happened before"

"And you were about to get a second name when I woke you up" he mumbles, ashamed.

"Don't worry about it, Gal. Hopefully I'll have that memory again so I can see who it was"

Do you ship Newtmas?

Me: 100% YES!! (Just wait until later in the fanfic🌝)

Words: 1126

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