Chapter 3: Olivia

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Olivia's Pov

Someone shook me awake and I opened my eyes to find Alby hovering over me.

"Rise and shine, Greenie. Time to find you a job."

"Olivia," I mumbled, already pulling the blanket up to chin to go back to sleep.

"What did you say?"

"I said I'm Olivia." I was still half asleep.

"You've remembered your name?!" he exclaimed.

This woke me up properly. "Wait what?!" I questioned, confused.

"You just said Olivia! Is that your name?"

"I... Yes! WOOO! I REMEMBER MY NAME!" I cheered, happy, no longer a stranger trapped inside my own body.

Everyone heard my excitement and they all congratulated me.

"Would you shut up?" Someone threw a shoe at the back of head. I turned around and, surprise surprise, it was Gally. "You woke me up," he grumbled with a scowl on his face.

"Good," I sassed. "Oh, and for the record, you didn't snore. I had a wonderful nights sleep." I gave him an obviously fake smile.

"What's happened between you two?" Alby folded his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Gally hates me so I decided to return the favour. But my guess is as good as yours as to why he hates me," I explained with a simple shrug. If he didn't want to play nice then I couldn't be bothered to waste my time on him.

Before Alby could ask any follow up questions, however, Gally left to do his job.

"We'll try you out as a medjack first." Alby led me to the Medshack, where I was greeted by two boys who I had met last night.

"Clint and Jeff, right?" I asked, to which they replied with a smile and a nod.

"Olivia will be working with you today," Alby said, his tone flat and informative, as if he had done this so many times he was sick of it and didn't really care anymore. Saying nothing else, he left.

"What are we doing first?" I asked.

"Let me show you everything," Jeff offered, to which I politely accept; let's be honest, I'm not likely to have much of a choice, am I?

He told me where to find everything and what they all do. Just as he finished, Clint walked in.

"A Slicer cut himself fairly badly. Want to watch to see what you need to do, Greenie?" Clint queried.

"Yes" I replied, as Clint led me to a different room.

"Hope you ain't got a weak stomach," Jeff remarked. "If you do, I'd recommend leaving now. Slicer injuries are never that pretty and definitely aren't for the faint of heart."

"I'll be fine," I reassured.

I saw a boy I recognised as Dan laying on the bed in clear agony.

"That looks nasty" I commented with a wince.

"No kidding," Dan spoke sarcastically, accompanied with an eye roll.

"Olivia, can you distract Dan while I clean the wound? This is gonna hurt," Clint requested.

I nodded my head and held onto Dan's good hand, gently running my thumb up and down his knuckles to try and take his mind off it a little bit.

"Don't focus on what Clint is doing, ok?" I gave him a comforting smile. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, Dan?"

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