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Third Person's Point of View

"OLIVIA, GET AWAY FROM HIM!" someone yells. Olivia spins around and sees Newt.

"What? Why?!" she asks, her head darting between the second in command and her boyfriend.

"Liv, he's- he's been Stung. He's dangerous" Newt gives the girl a sympathetic look, knowing how distressing this news would be for her.

"Wh- No! No, he can't have been! You're ok, Gally, right?" she turns so she can face him again.

However, she gets a proper look at him now. His face is slightly more pale than usual, and he seems to be taking deeper breaths than he ordinarily does, his shoulders rising and falling heavier than what would be considered normal. His eyes are black, and his whole body is shaking slightly.

"Olivia!" Newt shouts. "You need to come here, now!"

Gally suddenly drops to the floor and cradles his stomach with one hand and props himself up with the other as he starts violently coughing. Olivia kneels down next to him and wraps an arm around his torso, reassuring him that it's ok.

Suddenly, a thick, black, tar-like substance drips from his mouth onto the floor. She moves him into a sitting position, rubbing and patting his back, trying anything she can think of to help him.

Newt, too scared to get any closer to Gally, had to just yell at the girl to get away, but it was a wasted effort; she wasn't moving any time soon.

"Baby-" Gally chokes out, his mind trying to battle to crazed disease that was rapidly spreading through his body and taking control.

"Yes?" she replies, turning him around so he's facing her.

"Listen to Newt! I'm- I'm dangerous!"

"No! No, love, I refuse to accept that. You wouldn't hurt me. I know you"

"Please-" Gally was losing more and more of himself with every second that passes. Soon, he wouldn't even be able to think straight.

"Liv, that's not him. Not anymore. You need to come to me before he-"

Newt couldn't finish his warning, because Gally made a lunge for Olivia. His hands wrapped around her throat and after a few seconds, he tightened his grip.

Liv clawed at Gally's hands, her vision clouding with stars, her head and heart pounding.

"Gal!" she croaked out, hoping the boy that she loves is still in there somewhere, and would regain control over his body and stop trying to kill her. "It's me! Your-" She's cut off by him strangling her even more. Consciousness slips from her grasp as her vision goes black.

The last thing she heard was a clang and a thud.

Newt and some other Gladers peel Gally's unconscious body off of Olivia, then drag him to the Pit.

Clint and Jeff tend to the girl, both very worried about her.

News about Gally getting Stung and his attack had spread across the Glade very quickly.

Liv had woken up, but was once again forced to not talk. She walked out of the Medshack to get her notebook and pencil again, then went to Alby.

"Hey. How are you?" the Leader asks, extremely concerned for her.

'I'm ok' she writes down.

"I'm glad. How come you're here?"

'I want to talk about what is going to happen to Gally'

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