Chapter 43: Love is Cleaner With a Packaged Weiner

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Third Person's Pov

Olivia explains what she remembered. How she told Zart and Sean 'no' repeatedly, but their relentless asking eventually made her realise there was no way she was getting out of this. They made her have no choice.

Maybe it was the fact that he had failed as Leader to protect everyone, or that he cared deeply for this girl and didn't want anything bad happening to her, but either way, her story brought tears to Alby's eyes.

"Alby? Are you crying?!" Olivia asks, not really knowing what to do; she had never seen him cry before. Actually, she doubted anyone had seen him cry. Ever.

"Sorry" He gives her a sad smile, then wipes his tears, scolding himself for being so weak in front of someone he considered family.

"What's going to happen to Zart and Sean?" Olivia asks, hoping the next word to come out of Alby's mouth would be 'Banishment'. They destroyed her relationship, hurt her and Gally, so she would have no problem in personally hand-feeding them to the Grievers if she had the opportunity to.

"We'll have to see what the council thinks. Now I really need to go and talk to Newt about something. In the meantime, why don't you tell Gally what you just told me? It might make him forgive you" Alby suggests.

"He won't want to talk to me" Olivia mumbles, wishing that it was as simple as Alby made it seem.

She leaves the hut and goes back to Frypan, who instantly asks her how it went. She tells him everything, and has never been more grateful to have him as a best friend than she is right now.

It's three weeks later. Olivia wondered why Alby had done nothing about what she told him, but tries not to think about it.

The past week or so, Olivia had woken up feeling very sick and threw up. She wondered what was causing this, but starting feeling very uneasy when she realised she was late for her period. It was something that had never happened before. However, she tried to tell herself that it wasn't connected, and these things happen sometimes. She did her best to push it to the back of her mind.

Deep down, though, she knew what was really going on. She knew that one of her worst fears since that night at the Bonfire had come true.

She's pregnant.

"Olivia? Can you go into the store cupboard and get some bread and stuff for my stew? I just realised I forgot to" Fry asks the girl while he was preparing dinner.

"Sure. Be right back" She makes her way into the forest. She never understood why the store cupboard was so far away from the actual Kitchens, but then reminds herself it's all boys here, who collectively have an IQ of about 4, so she's not surprised.

The store cupboard was an extremely small hut that, due to all the shelves, could just about squeeze two people in. It was dimly lit since it only had one, tiny window that was half-covered by crates.

Olivia starts looking around, filling the crate that she brought with the necessary food, excited for Frypan's stew since it was her favourite meal.

After about ten minutes of Olivia being in there, the door opens and someone else walks in. She turns around and sees Gally.

'Shit' she thinks to herself.

"What are you doing in here? Are you stealing?!" Gally asks the girl, crossing his arms.

"Of course not! Frypan asked me to get some stuff"

"That's weird. He asked the exact same of me"

"So one of us is lying" Olivia eyes the boy carefully, wondering what his true intentions of being here was.

Before Gally can answer, the door to the hut slams shut and they hear the key turn in the lock. They were trapped in a very small area for god knows how long.

"For shucks sake!" Olivia exclaims, knowing this won't end well.

"I can just break us out"

Despite the fact that she really wanted to get out of here, she knew he couldn't do that. "If you break down the door, all the food would fall, and the shelves might break. We'll just have to wait until someone unlocks the bloody door"

"Great" Gally says sarcastically.

"I'm as pleased about it as you are"

Gally starts yelling and rattling the door handle.

"Will you you shucking stop that? It's giving me a headache, and it clearly isn't going to work" Olivia snaps after about fifteen minutes.

"Fine" he grumbles, then sits on a crate opposite the girl.

The pair fall into a silence. It was uncomfortable and awkward, and both of them wanted the other to break it since they didn't want to do it themselves. They didn't know if they could bring themselves to break it.

Olivia bit her lip. She knew she had to tell Gally about the pregnancy, he had every right to know, even though it would just make him hate her more than he already does.

Gally stole a glance at Liv and saw she was deep in thought, debating whether to say something or not.

When she didn't speak for ten minutes, he presumed he was wrong, and that she, in fact, didn't have anything to say.

'Just shucking tell him! What's the worst that could happen?' Olivia argues with herself in her mind.

'He could hurt the baby!'

'But he wouldn't do that'

'He has an awful temper, though. Imagine how pissed he will be. You're pregnant with the enemy's child!'

'Speaking of which, who the hell is the father? It could be Zart or Sean! How will I know? Will I have to wait for it to be born and compare it to both boys to see who it looks like more? Or I could do a DNA test when we're out of here. That would give a definite answer'

Olivia groaned and rubbed her face with her hands.

'This is no place to have a child' She thought. 'It's too dangerous. A baby needs a lot of food, and it can only eat specific foods and, last time I checked, even though a lot of people act like one, there's no actual babies here, so we don't have baby food. It also needs peace and quiet, and these boys definitely can't provide that. God, what the hell am I going to do? Maybe it's just all one, big coincidence, and all this worrying is just for nothing'

Olivia knew that was wishful thinking. This pregnancy was very, very real; there was a human growing inside of her. She was going to be a mother.

"You alright? You look like you're thinking about something really serious" Gally breaks the silence.

"Um... yeah. I- I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I'm just wondering"

They fell back into a silence. A silence that Olivia knew she would have to break with the news.

She took a deep breath before talking. "Gally, I'm pregnant"

The boy snapped his head up to look at her. "You're what?!"

A/n: Sorry this is short😅Haven't had a lot of time to write today (like usual), but I promised you guys two chapters today, so I'll start writing the next one straight away and release it as soon as possible.

And remember guys: you can't go wrong if u wrap your dong😃

Words: 1246

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