Chapter 29: Training

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A/n: I will never understand why Thomas threw the gun at the guards though🤨Like, what was it supposed to do? If he could actually aim, then I guess it could have possibly knocked one out, but what then?

Third Person's Pov

Olivia woke up absolutely petrified. What could she do? The only person that could comfort her right now was Gally, but after what went down between them, that was not going to happen. She knew she couldn't trouble Ella with this, she was too young, she wouldn't understand, and Minho needed as much sleep as he can get because he runs in the Maze all day, every day. Newt is really stressed out by being second in command, and she didn't want to trouble Frypan with it; they never talk about their problems, it's one of the reasons why their friendship is really important to Olivia. They spend all day laughing and smiling, as if they don't have a care in the world.

She hadn't realised until now that the only person she could truly open up to was Gally until now. He was there for her, no matter what. He would always listen to her problems and do his best to offer her advice or sort them out for her. He would always make time for her, regardless of how busy he was.

This just made her hurt more. The one person who she could truth with anything also happened to be the one person she falls out with the most. She couldn't understand how that works, yet somehow it does.

"Shuck it" She thinks to herself.

She gets out of the sleeping bag and quietly slips out of the hut. She makes her way over to Gally's hut and slowly pushes the door open.

Olivia expected to come across a sleeping Gally, however there he was, sitting up, awake. Crying.

"Gal?" she whispers, not wanting to startle the boy.

"What do you want?" he mumbles.

"What's wrong?" She sits opposite him, crossing her legs on the bed, telling herself that her nightmare could wait. Comforting Gally was more important.

"Nothing is wrong" Gally can't even bring himself to look at the girl. No matter what he did, he felt like he couldn't do anything right. He felt like no matter what he did, he always ended up screwing up what he had with Olivia. Why she hasn't given up on him yet is beyond him.

"Something is. Tell me" She cups his face with her hands, forcing him to look at her.

"I don't want to talk about it" he says.

"That's ok. We don't have to talk" Olivia sits next to him and pulls him into a warm embrace. It seemed that no matter what this boy did, no matter how much he upset her, she could never stay mad at him for long.

"I thought you would hate me for what I said earlier"

"I was pissed for a while, yes, but I'm ok now"

"I didn't mean it, you know"

"I know"

The pair fall back into a comfortable silence, thinking about everything that was currently going on in their lives, when Gally decides to break the silence.

"Why did you come in here, anyway?"

Oh right. I forgot about that

The girl says in her mind.

"I had a memory. It was awful. It's one of the worst ones I have ever had" she tells him, worried about how he would react.

"I thought you would stop having them now" Gally strokes her cheek with his hand.

"Me too. I wish they would stop. I don't want to have to go through anything bad again because of them" Olivia chewed on her lip nervously, the dark making Gally's facial expression unreadable.

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