Chapter 37: Snow Day

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Olivia's Pov

"I've got an idea to get our minds off of today" I say. "It's snowing, right? So we might as well enjoy it, instead of moping about in your hut. Let's leave all the depressed stuff until tomorrow!"

Newt smiles. "Good idea. Let's go"

We quickly get changed, then see everyone is in the middle of a giant snowball fight, even Alby.

I make a snowball as fast as I can, then throw one at Newt.

"Oi!" he yells.

I start laughing as I run away from him, determined to not get a snowball in my face.

We continue chasing each other. At one point, I'm chasing Newt, not really looking where I'm going, when I run straight into something. The impact causes me to fall over.

"Liv!" Oh shit. It's Gally. "Are you ok?!" he asks, helping me up.

"Yes. I'm fine" I say, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"Come on. You're gonna catch a cold, or worse!" He starts trying to usher me to his hut, but I refuse.

"You can't suddenly pretend like nothing has happened, Gally" I cross my arms.

"I know! It's just-"


"Liv, I-"

"Only friends can call me that"

"Li- Olivia, what are you saying?"

"What I'm saying" My voice trembles as I speak, knowing there's only one thing that I can do. "What I'm saying is..." I pause, trying to build up the courage. 'There's no backing out of this now! Just have out with it!' I mentally scold myself. "What I'm saying is that we're over. Forever. I don't want to see you, I don't want to speak to you. Actually, it's better that we just forget each other exists"

"That's not possible. With you being a cook, Olivia-"

"You just lost 'Olivia' rights too. From now on, you can refer to me as 'Glader', or 'hey, you'" I was being ridiculous, I knew that, but what did to me and said to Newt... that was the final straw.

"Ok, Olivia"

"What did I just say?"

He sighs. "Ok, hey you"

"Good. I hopefully won't see you round, random person who I've never met before" With that, I run off to carry on chasing Newt.

Unfortunately for me, Newt soon decides to run after me.

"You ok?" he asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"I heard the argument you just had with Gally. Are you sure that's the right decision?"

"Of course I am" I snap, already starting to doubt myself. Sure, he screwed up big time, but I do the same thing! Besides, am I really ready to completely forget about such a loving relationship that could have been going on for years?

No. I've given him too many chances. I have to end things, forever, with him, like I just did. It's better this way.

"Everyone heard you, y'know" Newt tells me. "And-"

"Glader, we need to talk" Gally approaches me.

"Do we, though?" I turn around so I can face him properly.

"Can we go somewhere private?"

"No" I say. "Anything you want to say, you can say it in front of Newt"

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