Chapter 42: Aspirin to the Rescue🦸‍♀️

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Olivia's Pov

I think it's safe to say I despise alcohol now, and I never want to go near it again. I was up all night, hating myself for what I had done. I didn't know what I was doing, to be honest I'm still not completely sure, but I guess that's being drunk for you. God, I wish so badly that this is all one big nightmare.

When it's finally morning, I get up off of a bed in the Medshack, where I slept last night, and go into the Kitchens.

"Hey, Fry" I say, my head killing me.

"You look rough" he remarks.

"Yeah. I wonder why" I sigh and rub my temples.

"Why don't you go to Clint and Jeff? They might have something for your hangover" Frypan suggests.

"But I just came from there!"

"What were you doing sleeping in the Medshack?"

"Do you not know? I thought everybody did" I sit on an empty, turned-over crate.

"No. I was fast asleep as soon as I got into bed. Why, what happened?"

"I was extremely drunk, and ended up having a threesome with Zart and Sean" I groan, furious with myself.

"WHAT?!" Frypan puts down what he's doing and crouches down next to me. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close to him.

"I screwed everything up because of some shucking alcohol. I didn't even know what I was doing! If I was sober, I wouldn't have even gone with Sean, and I especially wouldn't have had sex with him and Zart! I was way too drunk for my own good"

"So the two boys took advantage of you? I know they weren't that drunk, they had only had about one jar each, so they would have known what they were doing. You need to tell Alby about this. This is serious. Did they even ask for consent?"


"Well it makes it a tiny bit better in a way, I guess. But if you're drunk and give consent, that still doesn't count. Get something for your hangover, then report this to Alby, ok?"

I nod, then go to Clint and Jeff.

"Hey, Liv. You alright after what happened last night?" Jeff asks. "Me and Clint are both really worried"

"No. Not at all. But please can I have something for my hangover? I've got an awful headache"

"Yeah. Here's an aspirin" Clint hands me it. I thank them then go to Alby after I take the tablet.

"Olivia, is everything ok?" Alby asks me.

"No. I need to tell you about something that happened last night. It's very important"

"Oh. Well, do you want to sit down?"

I nod, then tell him everything that happened that night. At least, everything that I can remember.

"This is a very serious accusation, Olivia. Do you have any proof?"

"Yes. Um, Gally walked in on us. Zart and Sean admitted to it. You can ask Gally if you want to"

"Ok. Let's fetch him then"

"That's not the best idea. Not while I'm here.

"Olivia. You were drunk as shuck. You got taken advantage of. Gally doesn't have any right to be mad at you for that"

"He has every right to be! I slept with two other guys! Drunk or not, it's shucking messed up"

"I'm getting Gally either way"

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