Chapter 57: Gal Pal is Getting a Bit Moody😾

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Third Person's Point of View

Olivia watched from afar as Gally took Thomas to the Pit. She wondered why she wasn't given the same punishment, since she was also in the Maze that night, but she wasn't going to echo these thoughts; her bed seemed a lot better to sleep on than the uneven, jagged ground.

The door to her hut opens then gets shut again. She didn't even need to look to know who it was.

"Hey" Gally says softly, sitting beside her on the bed. "Thomas is in the Pit"

"I saw"

"I love you" Gally eventually says, gently lacing their hands together, but Olivia remains stiff.

"I'm gonna go into the Maze tomorrow, with Minho and Thomas. I'm still a Runner, and this is important. I have to be there, especially since the rest of the Runners quit"

"No! You-"

"I'm too tired to argue, Gally. I'm gonna see how Teresa is"

"You can't just walk away from this! I don't want to be in constant arguments with you, but you won't even give me the chance to apologise! I-"

"Bye, Gally" She walks out the door, despite a feeling deep inside of her that was pulling her back to him, begging her to forgive him and tell him that she loves him too, but she doesn't. Instead, she finds Teresa, who was in Ella's hut.

"Hey. Mind if I sleep in here tonight?" Liv asks, feeling slightly starstruck at the sight of another girl her age.

"Of course not!" Teresa smiles, scooting over so Olivia can share the bed.

"I can sleep on the floor if-"

"No, no! It's ok! The bed is big enough"

"Thanks" Olivia grins, slipping under the covers.

"Thomas told me that you're dating Gally, the Keeper of the Builders. Is that true?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"What do you mean?"

"It's complicated at the moment. But anyway, how are you settling in?"

The two girls continued talking late into the night, until they eventually fall asleep, both relieved to have found a good friend in each other.

The next morning, Olivia and Minho went to fetch Thomas out of the Pit.

"Big day, Greenie. You sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" Minho teases.

"Come on, man. Get me out of here" Thomas replies.

After getting their gear, the three of them stand by the Maze Doors, waiting for them to open.

"Let's go!" Minho encourages.

They sprinted down corridors, not stopping, until they reached Section Seven.

"Daaaamn" Olivia gasps in awe, marvelling at the sight.

"That's strange" Minho furrows his eyebrows, clearly worried about something.


"Section Seven's not supposed to be open for another week"

"What the shuck is that?!" Gally exclaims, joining the group of boys who had gathered at the Maze's entrance at the confusing sounds. They stayed there, until eventually Liv, Thomas and Minho came back into the Glade.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Newt asks.

"What the hell you done now, Thomas?!" Gally accuses, earning a glare from Liv. That soon shuts him up.

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