Chapter 6: Stars

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Olivia's Pov

"Gally?" I whisper.

"What are you doing out of bed?" he whispers back.


"Oh. Same"

We sit in silence, just staring at the stars. I hate to admit it, but I like this side of Gally: calm, relaxed, not yelling at everyone and no scowl permanently residing in his face. If he was like this all the time then I'm sure we would be really good friends.

"They're pretty, arent they?" Gally eventually breaks the silence.

"The stars? Yeah. I've not actually seen them before. Or, I can't remember seeing them anyway"

"See there?" Gally gently holds onto my arm and points at a cluster of stars. "If you connect them then they look like Alby's face" He traces it with his fingers and I see it. It makes me giggle, forgetting all about my nightmare.

His hot breath tickles on my neck, making my stomach flip. I start to wonder what it would be like to always be like this with Gally. Together. Not leaving each other's side. Announcing to everyone that we're dating. Laughing with each other at the bonfire and dancing in the rain...


"You ok, Olivia? You look like you're thinking about something serious" he says. Shit. He noticed.

"I'm fine" I lie. I'm sure I'll be back to hating him in the morning, which I find some comfort in.

I get lost in my thoughts, my eyes never shifting from the stars. I don't know how long Gally and I were up there, but it was certainly long enough for me to slip into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up back in my bed. Was last night with Gally just a dream? I couldn't ask him about it; what if it was just a dream? It would be very embarrassing and that's the last thing I need at the moment.

I start my day early. Early enough to say bye to Minho, Ben and the rest of the Runners. I decide to take a walk in the forest before I had to figure out what job I'll do now.

I wasn't paying attention as I was walking, my thoughts racing through my mind. Suddenly, I walked into someone and I fell over, banging my head.

"Ow" I mumble, rubbing where I just hurt myself.

The person I walked into spins around to face me then crouches down. Oh god it's Gally. Out of everyone it had to be him, didn't it?

"You need to watch where you're going, shank" he says while pulling me to my feet.

I mumble a quick apology then turn around and try to leave, but Gally grabs onto my arm. I turn back round to face him.

"About last night. Um..." he starts. So it wasn't a dream. "Just don't tell anyone, ok?"

"Ok, Gally. See ya" I leave before he can say anything else.

My mind was racing. Last night was real. Gally could actually be a decent human being. Who would have thought? We were watching the stars together and I was attracted to him. The thought of it made me feel slightly sick. I won't allow myself to feel anything towards Gally except a deep disliking.

"Oh hey, Liv" Frypan greets me, pulled me out of my daydream. I haven't really talked to him a lot, but I trust him, unlike most of the boys here.

"Fry, what job do you think I could do?" I ask him.

"Thought you were a Medjack" he says, confused.

"I was. But boys were hurting themselves just to see me so I quit. Shame really. I liked that job a lot"

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