Chapter 28: He's Gone

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Gally's Pov

It had been three months since Olivia had taken those pills, and since then she's been completely fine, thank god. She hasn't had any more memories since, and I hope it stays that way.

I'm still really worried about her, so I spend as much time as I can with her. I don't share my concerns with her, however, since I know she just wants to forget all about it.

"Gally! Gally! Gally!" Olivia runs up to me with a smile on her face and jumps up at me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around me neck. I spin her round, and she giggles.

"What trouble have you gotten into this time?" I laugh.

"Trouble? Me?! Never!"

"Liv!" Minho yells. She climbs down and holds onto my hand.

"I need to tell you something" she says.

"What?" I stroke her cheek.

"I'm going to be a part time Runner!" She starts dancing round, clearly happy about this.

"What?! No! We've had this conversation before!"

"Come on, Gally. I can look after myself!"

"Can you, though? Cuz those pills say otherwise!" She stops dancing and just looks at me, her face showing that she's upset.

"What- what do you mean?"

"You clearly can't look after yourself! If you didn't have those pills, you would be insane! And the amount of times you've hurt yourself! If you didn't have me, you would have died by now! You would be so scared because of all those stupid nightmares if I wasn't there for you! Youre helpless by yourself!"

"Gally, stop!" she pleads, tears forming in her eyes. "What's gotten into you?! I thought you would be happy for me! I've always wanted to be a Runner!"


"Forget it" She glared at me, then walks away. I watch as she greets Minho with a hug.

The Greenie, who is now a Builder, approaches me.

"Gally, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Go ahead" My tone was slightly harsher than I meant it to be.

"What's the deal with the girl?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is she dating anyone? I want to ask her out"

"She's mine" I death stare him, determined to frighten him off.

"Are you sure? It doesn't seem like you two are getting along. If I'm being honest, it looks like she's dating Minho more than you"

"Listen here, shank" I roughly grab hold of his
t-shirt. "You better keep your giant nose out of my business! We're dating, ok, and I'm not going to let a slinthead like you do anything to change that!"

"Gally! Drop him!" Alby commands.

After a bit of protest, I let go and walk off to my hut.

Olivia's Pov

"So training will start tomorrow. Good that?" Minho asks me.

"Yeah! Thank you!" I hug him again, extremely excited about becoming a Runner.

"How did Gally take it?" Newt asks.

"Not well. We're in another argument" I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry" Newt gives me a sad smile.

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