Chapter 33: Final Night

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Olivia's Pov

"Gally will be Banished at sundown" Alby says gravely.

"WHAT?!" I yell.

This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't! Gally couldn't die! He can't suffer a horrible, painful death at the hands of the merciless Grievers. Nobody deserves that fate (except for Zart, maybe).

I felt like the world had just come crashing down around me. I may have been able to avoid Banishment, but Gally won't. He's going to die. I'm going to lose him. I'm never going to see him again. It doesn't seem real.


I was oblivious to what was happening around me, peoples' voices just distant echoes. I felt everything all at once, yet nothing at all at the exact same time. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, to shout, to yell, anything to try and relieve some, even just a tiny bit, of the pain I was in, yet no sound came out. I physically couldn't. I was too weak to produce something as simple as a sound.

I didn't know how to cope. How was I supposed to cope? I'm told the person who I love most in my life is going to get killed. It's all because of some stupid boys, some stupid rules and a stupid vote. It's not right to sentence someone to their death just because they punched a couple of people a few times.

Then a plan formed in my mind.

When it was time for him to go, just at the last second, I will run into the Maze too. Then I can be with him. I won't let him suffer his fate alone. I won't. Maybe together, we can fight off the Grievers until morning. Maybe together, we could actually survive.

If Gally returns, having killed some Grievers, surely he would prove himself too valuable to get sentenced to another night in the Maze?

I had forgotten about everybody surrounding me, but I came crashing back down to reality when everyone's voices slowly grew loud enough for me to hear. The reality where no one had, and probably ever will, survive a night in the Maze. Why the hell did I think Gally would be different? He would die in there, just like all those other boys. And running in after him isn't heroic, it's suicide.

But I don't care. I can't sit and wait to hear his final scream, knowing that any moment after that, he would be taking his final breath.

I had also momentarily forgotten about my lost voice as I tried to let out a much-needed scream, but, as before, no sound came out.

"No! Let me comfort her!" I hear Gally's voice yell, but it seems so far away, as if I was on one side of the Glade, and he was on the other. I knew he was right next to me, however, when I felt two muscular arms wrap around me.

"It's ok, angel. I promise. Please stop crying. Please" he begs. Luckily, I could now hear normally.

I hadn't realised I had collapsed onto my knees until now. I sit up properly, trying to take a look around, but the tears in my eyes that I was trying to make sure didn't fall made my vision blurry. All I could make out was blobs of people.

"You need to go into the Pit, Gally. It's the rules" It was Newt.

"I'm coming with him" My voice was scratchy and raw, probably from all the crying, but right now I didn't care. All that mattered was spending every second I could with Gally.

"Are you sure want to-"

"Of course I am!" I snap. "Why wouldn't I spend time with my boyfriend, since I won't be able to ever again?!" I hold onto Gally's hand, determined to get my own way.

"Olivia-" Newt starts, but I interrupt him.

"No, Newt. If you decide to kill Gally, then the least you can do is let me be with him. There's nothing you can do to stop me. I'll lock myself in the Pit with him if I have to" I press my body closer to Gally's, hoping he will provide me some comfort somehow.

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