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Olivia's POV

"Are you sure I look alright?" I asked, smoothing down my dress for the millionth time.

"Yes, Liv, you look beautiful," Brenda reassured me.

"Gally's literally gonna freak out when he sees you," Tia added. "Freak out in the good way," she clarified.

"Ok," I nodded. "I'm ready," I beamed.

Brenda, my maid of honour, followed by Tia, Harriet and Sonya, my bridesmaids, walked out into the hall as the music picked up.

I entered shortly after, tears of joy already starting to form as I made my way down the aisle and towards to fiancé, who seemed to be melting at the sight of me, his eyes filled with pure love.

Eventually, I made it to the altar.

"Hey," I whispered, giggling.

"Hi," he replied, smiling down at me.

We then turned to face Vince, who was the one officiating the wedding.

Then it got to the vows.

"I do," Gally said.

"I do," I echoed, my mouth hurting from how much I had been beaming. I couldn't believe I was getting married to the love of my life after all these years.

Gally's proposal flashes in my mind.

"Hey, Liv, wanna go to the beach?" Gally asked me, seeming quite nervous.

"Sure," I said, giving his hand a quick squeeze. "I just have to help Brenda with something, then I'm all yours. Meet you in our usual spot?"


When I got to the place Gally and I usually meet when we want to be with each other on the beach, he wasn't there.

Instead, a trail of rose petals led up a nearby hill.

I followed them, until I found a waiting Gally on one knee, surrounded by a heart made of candles.

He looked beautiful as the flames from the candles lit up his face that would previously have been hidden by the dark night.

"Liv," he said. "You're the best thing I have in my life. For years and years, you've been the thing that's kept me going, the only thing I've cared about. Never have I stopped loving you or gotten second thoughts about being with you. Every day I spend with you is a blessing, and even after being together for eight years, I still can't understand why you would choose me out of everyone, but I consider myself the luckiest man in the world."

"Oh my god, Gally." My eyes brimmed with tears.

"Liv, will you marry me?" He pulled out a ring box and opened it up to me.

"YES!" I shouted, wrapping him in a huge hug.

And that's what led to today, to the moment I've dreamed of countless times, even back in the Glade.

"Then it brings me great joy to pronounce you husband and wife," Vince proclaimed, as Gally pulled me in for a sweet, loving, tender kiss.

"Holy shit, we're married," I whispered against his lips.

"Yeah. We are."

We walked hand in hand out of the hall, smiling and waving to everyone.

We walked past the Remembrance Rock - named by Vince - that contained all the names of our fallen.

I had carved Ella's name, Gally had carved Chuck's, and the rest of the Gladers each carved a name too.

It still hurt to look at, but at the same time it made me happy that we had something to remember them by, a way to thank them even now for all their sacrifices.

"Come on, darling," Gally said, leading me to the party.

After dinner and speeches (where Brenda took much delight in completely embarrassing me in), it was time for mine and Gally's first dance.

I placed my arms around his neck, and he put his hands around my waist. We gently swayed and spun to the music, not looking away from each other for one moment, our love stronger than ever.

"I love you so much," he told me.

"I love you too." He kissed me again, as if he couldn't get enough of doing that.

I knew I had finally found my peace, my home, my safe place.

All these years I felt like I had been trying to find something, but now I know I had it all along: it was him. He was all I needed to have a good life. If I had him, I had the world.

A/n: So the story is over🥲 I'm definitely not crying about it because I loved writing it so much...

Again, thank you all so much for sticking by me with this. I know it's taken ages for this story to finish (an entire year!!!) but thank you for coming on this journey with me <3

I've been reading some of my writing from the earlier chapters back, and it safe to say I have cringed about a million times because of it, so I will be doing a major re-editing of it for you.

Oh, and expect a new fanfic very VERY soon ;)

Start date: 31st July 2021
End date: 31st July 2022 at 23:59 pm

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