Chapter 24: Drunk

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Gally's Pov

I stare at the new Greenie as Newt talks to him. I keep stealing side glances at Liv, who seems to be paying no attention to me whatsoever.

I can't believe she wants to leave! This place is safe for us, and she wants to abandon it the first chance she gets? We should be spending the rest of our lives here, but nooo. She just wants to betray me as soon as possible. Does she even love me?!

No, of course she does. She said so herself. But I can't help being pissed at her.

At some point in the day, I consider not going to the bonfire because I wanted to figure out what to do if we find the way out, but then I remember that I haven't intimidated the Greenie yet, so I end up going.

I'm about a couple hours late, so when I arrive the bonfire is in full swing. Out of instinct, I look for Liv and see she's dancing with Newt and Minho. A lot of the boys are staring at her, more specifically her ass, so I walk up to her and drag her away.

"Gally, what the hell?!" she exclaims.

"All the boys were staring at you" I say.

"The bonfire is the one night that I don't give a shit about that! It's the one night I can just let loose! Why are you trying to stop me?!" She takes a big gulp of her drink.

"Slow down on the drinking, love! The bonfire has barely started"

"Don't call me that" she says.

"Call you what?"


"Why not"

"Cuz I'm not your 'love'"

I take a step closer to her. "Liv, of course you are! A-are you drunk?" I try to take another step towards her, but she pushes me back.

"Yes, I'm shucking drunk! It's so I can forget about the mess we're in right now!" It's at this point I realise that she's slurring her words.

"Just take it easy on the drinks, yeah? You don't want to get ill or have a hangover tomorrow" I take the drink out of her hand.

"I don't care about that! That's tomorrow me's problem. But tonight me wants to get so blackout drunk I won't even be able to remember my own bloody name!"

"Please just-"

"You're a shit boyfriend!" she yells, making me flinch slightly.

"What do you mean?" I try to fight the tears that threatened to spill.

"You're so controlling and annoying and don't let me do anything! You can't control me! If I want to be a Runner, then I can and will be a Runner. I want to use big knives in the kitchen? Then I'll do just that! You're shit shit shit! And I hate you! I hate you more than I hated you when I first arrived! I hate you more than I hate Grievers! I HATE YOU MORE THAN I HATE WHOEVER PUT US HERE!" Gladers start to gather around us. Unfortunately, Ella does too. I don't want her to witness this.

"Olivia. You're drunk. You're not thinking clearly. Let's just call it an early night, and we can talk about this tomorrow, ok?"

"No! I don't want to talk to you! Ever again! I dump your stupid, shuck-face, controlling ass!" She slaps me, causing me to fall over, and walks off to get another drink. Newt squats down next to me.

"You're supposed to look after her" I say, rubbing my cheek where Liv slapped me.

"Minho and I tried, but she's bloody hard to control. We tried to get her to stop drinking, but she insisted she was fine" Newt helps me up.

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