Chapter 31: The Gathering (Part 1)

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Olivia's Pov

"Please don't lose your tempter in there, baby. Just stay quiet until the end, ok? Don't glare at anyone either. Keep a neutral face. Please don't do anything that will give you a bigger chance of being Banished!" I beg Gally just before we go into the Gathering.

"I'll try" he says.

"You'll do better than try" I warn.

"Ok. I'll see you after the Gathering"

"What? I'm coming in with you!" I argue.

"You're not allowed in"

"I don't care! This is going to decide whether you live or die!" I say stubbornly, refusing to just sit back and wait to hear my boyfriend's fate.

"Gally, come in" Newt commands. Olivia tries to follow him, but Newt stops her. "I'm sorry. You're not allowed in. I tried to convince the others, but they wouldn't budge. You know how they can be" He gives me a sympathetic look, then drags Gally into the hut.

Normally, I would have secretly listened in on what was being said, but Ella bounded up to me.

"What's going on?" she asks.

"Oh. Uh. Nothing, El. Wanna go into the forest? We can build a swing!"

Knowing this was the best way to keep myself distracted and Ella out of earshot for when Gally starts yelling (I knew he wouldn't be able to control his temper), I thought going in the forest far away from the hut would be a good idea.

Third Person's Pov

"Everyone, shut up!" Alby yells at the boys. Everyone instantly listens to him. "So, we all know why we're here today. Gally attacked two Gladers. They're in the Medshack now. Clint, Jeff, what condition are they in?"

"They're fine, apart from a few cuts and bruises" Clint says.

"A few?! They were completely covered! I could barely see who it was because of how badly Gally hurt them!" Zart scoffs.

It was only a couple of minutes into the Gathering, yet Gally already knew it was going badly. He was so thankful that Olivia wasn't here to see this.

All the boys had started talking over each other, to the point where all their words merged together, making it impossible to understand what they were saying.

"ORDER!" Alby demands, instantly silencing everyone. "Your thoughts will be heard, however you know the rules. You speak one at a time. Winston, what is your opinion?"

"I think..." he begins, suddenly feeling visibly nervous. "I think we should have Olivia in here. I know we decided against it, but we should hear her side of the story. I don't think Gally would attack people that brutally for no reason"

"I wouldn't put it past him" Zart mutters, only loud enough for a handful of people to hear.

"Fine. We'll get Olivia in here. Newt, go on" Alby tells the blonde boy.

Newt quickly runs out of the hut in search of the girl. He eventually finds her in the forest with Ella, making something.

"We need you in the Gathering" Newt says.

"Gathering? What's a Gathering?" Ella asks.

"A meeting where we decide things" he explains.

"What's the meeting about?"

"Whether Gal-"

"Whether we should get more boys to become Runners or not" Olivia interrupts Newt, giving him a look to tell him to go along with her lie.

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