Chapter 63: Teresa Shouldn't Be Trusted With Walkie-Talkies🤨

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Olivia's POV

"Hey. Hey, you're ok," Teresa reassured as Thomas woke up. "Hi. We have to stop meeting like this."

"Welcome back, you ugly shank," Minho greeted, grinning.

We had found Thomas and Brenda (turns out that's Mystery Girl's name, I'd been getting to know her since she woke up) in a bad state but, luckily, they're alright now, although Thomas took a little longer to come round than Brenda.

Meanwhile, Jorge was - violently - questioning a guy who eventually told us what we needed to know. Oh, and he gave us a car too.

We drove along abandoned, overgrown roads that were littered with rubble, until we came to a stop just before a group of broken down, rusted cars.

"Well, I guess we're on foot," Jorge said.

We searched around for supplies, but barely got anything.

"GET DOWN!" I screamed as bullets were suddenly fired at us.

"Hey is everyone ok out there?" Thomas called.

"We're fine!"

"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?"

More shots were aimed at us. I pressed myself up against Newt.

"Everybody!" Jorge said, grabbing our attention. "Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!"

"Drop it! Now! I said drop it! On your feet! Let's go! Let's go! Move!" A voice commanded. It sounded like a girl. "Back up! You three, over here now!" She was talking to me, Newt and Minho. When I turned to face her, I saw she had dark hair and a face that was half covered by a scarf.

"Slowly," another girl, a blonde who also had a scarf covering half her face, warned.

"Aris?" brown-haired girl asked, the disbelief evident in her voice.

Aris hugged the two girls - Harriet and Sonya as he called them - and explained that they were in the Maze together.

Harriet yelled to other people who must have been hiding that we were alright, and we got took to a camp.

And not just any camp. We had found the Right Arm.

We met the man in charge, Vince, who was extremely sceptical of us. Of course I understand that, complete strangers arriving with no warning and all, but I hoped he would realise we were some of the very few good ones left on this cruel earth.

Suddenly, Brenda collapsed. When Jorge pulled her onto his lap, she muttered a 'sorry', her voice raspy, her lungs gasping for oxygen.

Vince sprung into action as soon as he realised what had happened to Brenda; she had the Flare.

He was more than ready to shoot her, until Thomas and I intervened, trying to calm him down.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a woman, who seemed to know Thomas, stopped everything. If Vince's greeting was anything to go by, she was a doctor.

She spoke in riddles to Thomas as she inspected Brenda, confusing every one of us.

"He was our source," Vince spoke, realisation hitting him as the doctor told everyone he told them the coordinates to all WCKD bases and compounds; he must be the reason why the Right Arm were so successful in freeing so many children.

While Thomas and Brenda were taken into a private tent, I went and sat away from where everyone else was, needing a moment to myself. I hadn't been alone for god knows how long.

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