Chapter 9

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Teacher Tang found out the old textbooks from previous years, put together a set and gave it to Jiang Xiaoman.

These textbooks are all left by previous students. Some of them have been chewed by bookworms and have missing footers, with an unpleasant musty smell, which still does not prevent Teacher Tang from cherishing them as treasures, even looking for them. Put it in a box, and occasionally move it out to bask in the sun.

Children who can go to school do not lack such a set of textbooks, but most of them are children who cannot go to school. Teacher Tang thought it would be good to plant a seed by giving these books to them.

The first-year children have also learned half of the curriculum. Although they all have some very basic knowledge, such as word recognition and counting, Jiang Xiaoman has not learned it and may not be able to keep up. Teacher Tang’s intention is not to let her catch up in advance, but to enlighten her and keep her interest in learning.

For Jiang Xiaoman, Teacher Tang intends to enroll with interest instead of forcing her to study. The child is still young, and there is still a period of time before the school age.

After handing the textbook to Jiang Xiaoman, Teacher Tang said, “I’ll find a chair for you, and then you will sit outside the classroom and listen. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, don’t force it, you can ask me any questions after class. Don’t be afraid of trouble.”

Jiang Xiaoman was very happy. He jumped a few times, grinned and said, “Thank you Teacher Tang, thank you Teacher Tang.”

This child likes to be in touch with novel things and also like to ask questions. Seeing her happy look, Teacher Tang couldn’t help but smile, touch her head, and then prepare a chair for her.

After Teacher Tang left, Jiang Xiaoman opened the textbook happily, glanced at it, dumbfounded, closed it again, and looked at it again.

Grandma praised her for being smart, her uncle praised her for being smart, and Teacher Tang also praised her for being smart. Even the system often said that she was the smartest and was the most well-behaved host it had ever brought. Therefore, Jiang Xiaoman has always been very inflated with his IQ. I thought she must understand this small textbook, but she didn’t expect…

Wow! ! She actually didn’t understand a few words!

She sees the words “points”, “candies” and “balance” the most, of which balance is the most sensitive. All of these were learned naturally under the influence of the system.

Jiang Xiaoman grew up so old, most of the knowledge he learned came from systematic professors. I used to like to squat at the door of the classroom and learn a few words while looking at the blackboard, but she also missed the ant nest that she hadn’t stabbed in her heart. She did two things with one mind, and missed one lesson. It was strange to recognize it.

She usually listens to the system’s eloquence, and she can understand the truth when she tells her, but Jiang Xiaoman still has the first time to recognize and write in a serious way.

She looked at the textbooks and empty notes, dumbfounded. Even the teacher did not listen to what the teacher said in class, obviously she used to like to study with the teacher the most.

Jiang Xiaoman was hit hard, and he burst into tears before he left the school, and the tears flowed down again.

The system comforted: “Host, learning needs to be done step by step. You can’t eat fat all at once. You haven’t even learned how to walk. How can you run?”

“Does it mean that you can’t help it grow?”

“…Well, almost, the host is too young to come to school at this time. Look at the children in the classroom, which one is not older than you?”

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