Chapter 90

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“The next outstanding student representative: Jiang Xiaoman came to the stage to give a speech.”

The dean finally finished his long speech, and it was Jiang Xiaoman’s turn.

Jiang Xiaoman is a man of action, most of the classmates here have heard of her name.

When they were in elementary school, they lived in fear of being dominated by Jiang Xiaoman. Once there is any joint exam or competition in the city, only Jiang Xiaoman will participate, then there must be nothing for them.

But for a long time, I only heard of his name and never saw him. Today, I will finally meet a real person!

There was a commotion in the crowd.

The applause is endless.

The students were so enthusiastic that even the teacher did not expect it.

Not long after, I saw a girl in school uniform stepping onto the stage.

A little far away, I can’t see her face clearly, but she can see her with a high ponytail, a face is pure and white, under the rising sun, the whole person is almost shining, bulingbuling, especially beautiful!

The key is that she walks with wind, especially rusty! Especially aura!

“Time flies, September golden autumn, in a blink of an eye we stepped from elementary school to the gate of junior high school, and became a vigorous junior high school student…”

And the sound is nice!

No manuscript! In front of so many people, he doesn’t show his timidity, and is generous.

Wow! As expected of Jiang Xiaoman!

[Ding Dong! Collect Zhao Dongdong’s negative sentiment value, reward points 10]

[Ding Dong! Collect Ma Chaowei’s negative sentiment value, reward points 10]

[Ding Dong! Collect Li Xiaoyu’s negative sentiment value, reward points 10]

Ding Ding Dong Dong sounded, Jiang Xiaoman made a speech and collected nearly five hundred points in a blink of an eye.

So cool.

It seems that her junior high school classmates are more energetic, more reluctant to admit defeat, and more fragile than the elementary school students.

Keep going, students.

The days have just begun.

Jiang Xiao came down from the stage full of spring breeze.

There was still thunderous applause, and the popularity was unprecedented.

The freshmen in the first grade of middle school have been divided into classes long ago.

Jiang Xiaoman, Yu Qingshi, Zhang Xinhua and Ye Jiajia were all placed in the same class.

Before the teacher came, the students all chose to be at the same table.

Jiang Xiaoman had agreed with Yu Qingshi a long time ago that the two would have to be at the same table even in junior high school. Ye Jiajia had planned to sit with Jiang Xiaoman, but Yu Qingshi had already boarded it first, and could only make a couple with Zhang Xinhua.

Now Jiang Xiaoman and Yu Qingshi are not there. They should be in the office. They were found by the teacher. What are they talking about?

Ye Jiajia was particularly unhappy, crying and looking like she was about to cry.

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