stark party - tw

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warnings: panic attack
age: 16

Tony's parties have never been something I enjoy. There are always way too many people and I've never been good with strangers. I feel like my whole body just shuts down in that kind of environment. Over time I've gotten better at handling my social anxiety, I usually just stay with a Peter since we are both underage and everyone else is usually by the bar or dancing.

I'm getting ready for another party tonight, this is the third one this month. I feel so anxious about it, and if it wasn't Steve's birthday I would probably just stay up in my room.

It's now 8pm and Peter and I are heading down. I can feel my whole body start to tense up and I try my best not to show how anxious I am.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Peter asked in a concerned tone.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit anxious Pete, that's all." I say. "Okay. I've you need to leave just tell me and we can go watch a movie or something."
I just nodded and gave him a smile.

As we walked into the party I saw that there were way more people than there usually was. I started to freak out but quickly composed myself when I saw my mom walking over to me.

"Hi my beautiful girl, are you alright?" She asked, knowing how bad my social anxiety can be. "Yeah, I'm fine." I told her, trying to hide my emotions. She cocked an eyebrow at me.
"I promise mom, I'll be okay." I said not wanting to worry her. "Okay sweetie, please just come and get me if you need me. I'll be over at the bar." She smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead before leaving.

It's about an hour into the party and after Peter and I found Steve to wish him a happy birthday we both went over and sat down on the couch. He started rambling to me trying to distract me from my own mind. I just sat there and listened, barely saying two words.
Peter could see that I was only getting more and more anxious so he pulled me into a hug and started stroking his hands through my hair.

After about 10 minutes of sitting like that my breathing started to get really heavy.

"Pete, I just need to go the bathroom, I'll be back."
"You okay love?" he said with a very concerned look on his face.
"Mhm." I nodded and put on a fake smile holding back my tears.

I felt a tear drop. "Actually Pete, can you please get my mom and tell her to meet me in the bathroom?" I ask, trying not to have a full on panic attack in front of everyone.
"Yeah of course." Peter replied quickly, getting up to find Natasha.

I made it to the bathroom and closed the door behind me fighting for air. I've had panic attacks before but this one felt really bad.

I was over at the bar pouring drinks when I saw Peter practically running over to me.

"Peter, what is it?" I ask. "It's Y/N, I think she's having a panic attack. She's in the bathroom" he said trying to catch his breath. "Damn it, okay thank you kid." I say.

I rushed over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Y/N it's mama, can I come in?" I soothed. There was no response so I opened the door to find my daughter on the floor fighting to breathe.

"Oh my baby, it's okay. Mama is here now. I want you to try to follow my breathing okay."
She nodded

After a while she was still really struggling to breathe which made her only panic even more.

"Mama, I-it's not w-w-working." she told me. "I-I feel like I-I I'm g-gonna pass o-out." I could see the fear in her eyes.

I sat down next to her and pulled her into my arms. I could see that this wasn't a regular panic attack, this was probably the worst I've seen her have.

"Okay Y/N, I'm gonna need you to name 5 things you can see." I said in a stern but comforting voice.
"Uh, y-you, the s-s-sink, toilet, t-the door a-and the soap."

"Good job, now 4 things you can feel."

"Y-your arms, the tiles, m-my dress, and t-the wall.

"Okay, now 3 things you can hear."

"Your v-voice, the music and t-talking."

"You're almost there. What are two things you can smell?"

"T-the candle and and your perfume."

"One more to go. What's one thing you can taste?"

"The mint I had before."

Her breathing had really calmed down and I just held her in my embrace.

"Well done my beautiful girl, I'm so proud of you. How about we go up to your room and we can just watch a movie or something?"
She nodded and said "Thank you mama. Can Peter come too?" I smiled. "I'm always here sweetie, and yes of course Peter can join."

"I love you mom"

"I love you too, detka."

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