russian teacher - tw

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School was my safe place. It was the only place I felt like my step father couldn't hurt me. It's not that I liked school that much it, it's just that I felt safer there than any other place. The only thing I dreaded about it would be the fact that I'd spend at least an hour every morning covering up any bruises. Eventually I opted on wearing a hoodie and sweatpants everyday because it was easy.

I lost my dad when I was 13, he lost his battle to cancer. My mother then married my step father only a year later. Way too soon if you ask me. In fact I don't think she should have married him at all. He's an asshole, to put it nicely.

My mom and I were never super close, so when I lost my dad my whole world turned upside down.

It's no secret to my mom that my step father abuses me. She doesn't even try to do anything about it. She just sits there and watches it happen.

My russian teacher was favourite. Miss Romanoff. She was so kind and would always talk with me after class. She would always ask my how my week was going or how I was doing in all my other classes and she genuinely cared too. She wasn't just pretending.


I'm in my last period of the day which just happens to be russian.  I walk into the class room and sit in the back right corner. I sit in the same spot every class. No one pays attention to you there.

Without realising, I zone out in the middle of class. That is until Miss Romanoff puts a worksheet on my desk and I jump out of my gaze.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She says sympathetically. "It's fine." I reply quietly.

I have this one student, Y/N. She is one of my best students, although she is super quiet and always sits at the back of the class.

I notice how she flinches at everyone loud noise, or if someone gets aggressive in any way shape or form. I'm unsure if something is happening outside of school but I wouldn't be surprised.

I've expressed my concerns about her to the school principal and she said she would speak to the other teachers and ask them to look out for anything suspicious.

Today I put a worksheet in front of her and she flinched, again, when my hand reached her desk. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I say.
"It's fine."

I walked back to my desk and sit down as my students complete their worksheet. Keeping my eye on Y/N the whole time.

It looked like she was stuck on a question and she pulled on the front of the hoodie she was wearing which revealed a large purple bruise on her neck. My eyes widened at the sight.

I turned my head back to my laptop, looking over to Y/N every now and then. There were only 5 minutes left of the lesson when I decided I wanted to talk to Y/N after class. "Y/N, can you stay behind after class please?" I ask. "Okay." She says quietly.

The bell finally rings and the students start to make there way out however Y/N remains at her desk.

Once everyone else has left I walk about to her and smile. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong." She said playing with the strings on her hoodie. I frowned slightly at the fact the she thought she'd done something wrong. "No not at all." I smiled. "Can I ask you something?" I continued, not really sure on how to bring it up. "Okay." She mumbled.

I took a deep breath. "Is someone hurting you Y/N?" I started. Fear immediately filled her eyes and she shook her head no. "You know you can tell me anything?" I assured her, whilst I placed my arm on her shoulder. She flinched at the sudden contact and tears started streaming down her face. "He's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me." She kept repeating quietly to herself.

"Y/N, look at me." I said as she raised her head. "You're going to be okay. You don't have to live like this." I cooed. "They told me not to tell anyone." She cried. "Who told you?" I asked. "My mom and my stepfather."

"Y/N, do you want to come home with me? I promise to keep you safe." I asked softly. "Yes please." She mumbled. "Okay. Can I give you a hug?" I murmured. Y/N nodded and I held her in my arms as she cried.

"We are going to get you through this Y/N, and you're never going to have to go back there again okay?" I cooed. "Okay."

A/N: hi :)
Not proofread

Anywayysss I hope you all have a great day/night
Please take care of yourselves <3

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