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age: 4

Maria and I have been dating for a couple of months now and I haven't wanted to tell Y/N yet because I don't know how she'll take it. She's still only four and it's always just been the two of us so I don't want her to feel like I'm giving her less attention because I'm with Maria now.

There's also a part of me that's scared that if I tell her about Maria and it doesn't work out, that Y/N will get heartbroken too because she's easily attached to people.

We've managed to keep it a secret from the rest of the team too. I don't know how, but we have.

After last night I thought for sure that someone would find out about the two of us because well, Maria isn't exactly quiet. But no-one has said anything...yet.


Y/N sat at the end of the table - with a cushion on her seat because she could barely reach the table - whilst I sat next to her and opposite Maria.

The was a little bit of chatter amongst the team, but it was pretty quiet since everything was eating.

I saw that Y/N was trying to shove a massive piece of chicken into her mouth so I took the fork from her little hands. "Let me cut that up for you детка." I say gently. "Thanks mommy." Y/N smiles.

As I'm cutting the chicken into smaller pieces Y/N says, "Mама?"
"Yes sweetheart?" I ask. "Why does Maria also call you mommy sometimes?"

I immediately stop what I'm doing and the whole room is silent. I feel everyone turn their heads to me and I look up at Maria wide-eyed.

"What do you mean деткa?" I ask, trying to play it off, still not looking at the team. "Well last night I heard her say it when I was walking past your bedroom." She shrugs innocently.

"Oh, really? What else did she say Y/N?" Tony chimes in and I glare at him. "They were bad words, I'm not allowed to say them." Y/N says, knitting her eyebrows together. "Good girl." I smile, rubbing her back. "Oh I heard that too!" Y/N says and the team burst out into a fit of laughter which then makes her laugh too, even if she doesn't know what she's laughing about. Maria's head in buried in her hands in embarrassment whilst I'm trying to find a way to tell Y/N about us.

"You two just got exposed by a four year old." Tony laughs. "What does that mean mommy?" Y/N asks curiously. "I'll tell you soon детка, just eat your dinner first." I say softly. "Okay mama." She smiles, picking her fork back up.


After dinner I took Y/N upstairs to have a bath and to get her ready for bed. She was easily distracted by her toys, so a part of me was hoping I wouldn't have to tell her about Maria tonight.

But Y/N being Y/N, the moment I tucked her into bed she asked again.

"Can you please answer my question now mommy?" She asked politely. "Okay детка." I smile gently, sitting down next to her on the bed.
I take a deep breath before I start, trying to figure out how to tell a four year old the truth without having to answer what she was really asking. "Y/N, your mama loves Maria a lot and a couple of months ago she became my girlfriend which means she will probably be in our lives a lot more than she used to be." I say, running my fingers through her hair as she cuddles up closer to me. "Does Maria love you too?" Y/N asks innocently.

"Yes, she does." I smile, looking down at her. "Good. Does this mean you and Maria are like Tony and Pepper?" She asks. "I guess it does." I nod. "I want you to know that you will always be my number one girl Y/N, and my favourite one too." I tell her. "Yay! You're my favourite too." Y/N smiles, jumping onto my lap and embracing me in a big hug.

"Why did she call you mommy though? It doesn't make sense." Y/N pouts. "That is not something you're going to find out until you're much older." I say, cupping her cheeks with my hands. "Why not?" She asks, crossing her arms. "Trust me детка, it's for your own good." I chuckle.

Y/N cuddle in closer and within five minutes she had fallen fast asleep on top of me.


a/n: this is kinda short but I thought it was funny

anyways, I don't know how much I'll be updating this week because I've literally had a headache for like a week straight now and it's been really bad the last couple of days, but that could change aha. but if I don't post much, that's probably why

hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora