she's never here

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Requested by: jvilla2906

Mom has been away a lot on missions. It's been two months since I last saw her. I can probably count on one hand how many weeks I've spent with her the past nine months. I miss her a lot and the worst part is, most of the missions are undercover. So that means no contact. Of course there is always an estimated time that she'll be back but it can vary from a few days to a few weeks.

Everyone, except for Clint, Peter and I have been away on this mission. Clint is almost like a father figure to me, Nat trusts him to look after me. Of course though, he has his own kids to look after and they come first, which I completely understand by the way. Clint is only at the tower fifty percent of the time, which leaves me alone the other fifty percent. The compound has maximum security, so me and every other avenger would be alerted if someone or something were to intrude. So I feel safe. Most of the time anyway.

Nobody knows who I am except for the Avengers. I'm not a part of the avengers. Yet. So no one really knows I exist.
Well obviously I have friends but my true identity has always stayed hidden.

I go to school with Peter and he is my only friend that knows who I am, well because he's an avenger himself. He will sometimes come hang out at the tower with me when Clint isn't here, but he has his own home so I don't expect him to stay with me.

School is something I've always struggled with. So usually someone will help me with my homework once I get home. It's usually my mom but if not, it's either Bruce or Tony. Depends on the subject. But obviously nobody is home, so I've been falling behind on a lot of my school work and am failing most of my classes. Mom usually doesn't care about my grades, she just wants to me try my best, which I'm doing, and she at least wants me to pass, which I'm not doing.

Fury told me that they should all be coming back home tomorrow which I'm looking forward to. What I'm not looking forward to is my mom finding out about my grades. It's the last week of my sophomore year which means our reports will be coming out in the next few days and I'm dreading it so much!


After two months of not seeing my daughter, I'm finally on my way back home. Having little to no contact with her has been extremely difficult for the both of us.

When I walk into the compound, I see her sitting in the kitchen eating her breakfast watching tiktoks on her phone. Two months later and that girl is still obsessed with that app.

She hasn't noticed me yet so I clear my throat to get her attention.

I was scrolling through tiktok when I heard someone clear their throat. I was startled by the noise because the compound was so quiet. I turn around to see my mom standing their with a huge smile on her face. I immediately run up to her and give her a hug. "I've missed you so much mom."
"I missed you too sweetheart."

We both stayed hugging each other for at least five minutes, not saying anything but just enjoying being back in each others presence. Mom and I have always been really close, she's practically my best best friend.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask, pulling away from the hug. "They're downstairs talking to Fury about the mission. I just wanted to come up here and see your beautiful face again." Her hands on my cheeks and she gave me a kiss on my head.

"We can talk about everything later but for now, you have to get to school."
I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to go to school, I just wanted to stay at home with my family for the day, but realistically I knew that they'd all be doing a mission report for the next few hours anyways. "Do you want me to drive you or are you gonna catch the bus?" Mom asked. "I'll catch the bus, but maybe if you pick me up?" I smiled at her. "Of course. I'll see you after school." She gave me a kiss on my head again before I grabbed my bag and headed off to school.

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