'i'm so proud of you'

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imagine lizards in bikinis
ok bye, hope you enjoy

My brother and I moved in with the Avengers when our Aunt May died six months ago. The Avengers knew I existed but I'd never met before. I've felt like a bit of an outsider since moving here, mainly because I've always been 'just Peter's sister' and I've never been known as anything else.
Obviously with Aunt May it was different, but not with friends or even school teachers. I'm not a straight A student like Peter and I don't have any powers. There's nothing special about me. I'm merely mediocre. Even saying that is a stretch.

Natasha - for some odd reason - was always there for me. She would make sure I had enough food or money for school, she would make time to have weekly movie nights every Wednesday with me and she would always come up to say 'goodnight' before I fell asleep. To say I was grateful for her would be the biggest understatement.

She is always reminding me that if I ever needed to talk I could come to her. I try to hide the fact that I've been struggling a lot lately, but obviously with her being a super secret Russian spy and all, not much gets past her.
Something I really appreciate about her is that even if she knows I'm struggling she'll never push me to talk and she's there to listen when I'm ready.

As I'm sat next to her for our weekly movie night, we turned on 'The Proposal' and she had bought a bowl of popcorn and m&m's into the living room. It was only just the two of us in the compound tonight considering everyone else was on a mission. Natasha was asked to go but when I tell you she refused to miss our movie night, I mean she told Fury some things that I don't feel comfortable repeating. It made me happy though - how much it made me feel like someone cares about me.

I start to get sleepy half way through the movie but I refuse to let myself fall asleep considering she turned down a mission to watch this with me. Instead I rest my head on her lap and she pulled the blanket over me.

"Thank you Natasha." I say, not taking my eyes off the screen. She moved her head to look down and say, "What for?"
"For being there for me. You're the first person to make me feel like I'm worth something." I admit quietly. "Oh my sweetheart, you are worth every good thing in life." She cooed and kissed my head. "I love you." I say, finally looking up at her. "I love you too Y/N. So much." She smiles before I turn my head back to the screen.

A few more minutes went by before Natasha said, "Y/N?"
I look back up at her, "Mhm?"
"I'm so so so incredibly proud of you and the young woman you're turning out to be. You've bought so much light into my life - more than you could ever imagine - and I'm very grateful for you."

I immediately started crying. I've never really known how it felt to be told that.
I sat up so I could hug her and I buried my head in the crook of her neck.
Natasha ran her fingers through my hair and she just let me cry. It's been a while since I've cried and when I started it was like Niagara Falls.

Finally - after what felt like forever - I stopped crying and Natasha wiped the remaining tears on my cheeks with her thumb. "You are so worthy sweetheart and so loved!" She smiled. "Thank you." I mumbled as I tried to refrain myself from crying again.

I did end up eventually falling asleep before finishing the movie last night but I think Natasha did too considering she was still on the couch beside me.

a/n: I don't have anything to say so... heyyy

oh, but sorry this is quite short. I had a bad day and just wanted fluffff

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