shut your beautiful face

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so this is kinda based of a tiktok but also the show New Girl idk 🤷🏻‍♀️

Words: 665

Summary: y/n and Natasha are out for a mother daughter lunch.

Age: 19

I was out for lunch with my mom. She had just gotten back from a 2 month mission yesterday, so today, we made it our mission to spend as much time together as we could.

The food at the restaurant was amazing and we had just about finished up eating.

"I just have to run to the bathroom real quick, I'll be back in a few." my mom said before getting up from her seat in the booth.

I finished the last bit of my food before someone I didn't recognise sat across from me.

"Uh, I'm sorry I know this isn't my booth and I know I don't but my friends over there are pissing me off so I'm just gonna sit here for like a few..."   she paused and looked up at you. You both held eye contact for a while before she continued. "...maybe 5 minutes. or maybe 10. 15-20 at the most. Probably an hour" she took another pause. "you know, they're just super annoying." she spoke. She had the most amazing green eyes and brown her that sat just below her shoulders. Her smile radiated warmth.

I sat there looking into her eyes with a smiled wiped across my face. "why are you mad at your friends?" I asked. "they're so shallow! they say that they have a preference in women, but when the chips are down they'll take anything." she laughed and rolled her eyes. I chuckled at her response. "so would it be bad if I told you that I thought you were hot?" I asked confidently. On the inside I was dying though. I couldn't believe I was talking to some so beautiful. "Shut your gross beautiful face. No I'm kidding, I love it! Thank you." She beamed at me.

At this point I saw my mom start to walk back to the booth, but she stopped when she saw I was talking to someone. She winked at me and then turned away.

"I'm y/n" I told her. "I'm Brianna, but everyone calls me Bri." she responded. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Bri." I beamed as I felt myself blush. "Mhm, you too." She nodded her head slightly. There was a moment of silence before Brianna spoke up again. "So uh... you maybe wanna go out sometime?" She asked me, looking down slightly at her hands. I chuckled before responding. "Yes, I do." I responded. "Okay. Uh should I put my number in your phone or-" i reached out to grab my phone from my bag and handed it to her before she could finish what she was saying.

Once she was finished putting her number in my phone I put my number in hers. "Well than Y/N. I'll give you a call." I nodded and she got up and left. I then grabbed my things and walked over to the door of the restaurant where I saw my mom was standing waiting for me.

She pulled me into a side hug and gave me kiss on the forehead. "She when's the date?" She asked. "Bold of you to assume that I actually got a date mom." I joked, but my tone was unreadable. "Oh I'm sorry, it just looks like you really hit it off." She said with a hint of sadness in her tone. "I was joking, she said she'd give me a call." I beamed. She flicked my head and laughed. "So uh what's her name then?" "Brianna." I zoned out thinking about her. She laughed at me and pulled me back into a side hug before we finally reached the car.

Okay so this one is really fluffy but I thought it was cute!!
Not proofread so sorry for any mistakes!
Requests are open 🤍🤍

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