keeping secrets

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do I tell my mother I'm bisexual or do I just wait for her to figure it out?

requested by: maariyah7438


Since escaping the Red Room with my mom and joining the Avengers, Steve has become like a father to me. I never had a father, not even biologically, because I was some kind of experiment of Dreykov's which is how mom became pregnant with me. 

Steve and my mom have been together for nearly three years and I'm waiting for the day where he finally man's up and proposes. They have spoken about getting married before and they both want to, so I don't understand what's stopping them.

My Auntie Yelena joined the team not long after taking down the Red Room with my sister and grandparents and having her here has been so much fun. She's definitely the cool aunt that everyone wishes they had.

I get a lot of joy out of watching mom and Yelena arguing after Yelena let me do something she knows she shouldn't have. Honestly, they bicker like they're a couple of five year olds fighting over who gets to pick the movie...well that did actually happen once or twice.

Mom is currently out on a mission with Clint but they should be back in the next half an hour or so.


As I'm sitting here with Yelena discussing which one of the avengers would die first in a zombie apocalypse, Steve walks in looking anxious.

"What happened? Is something wrong with mama?" I ask in a panic. "No, no! Nothing's wrong, I just want to ask you something." He says. "Oh, okay. What is it?" I ask, confused. "Well," He sighs, "You know how much I love your mom. Your sister, Yelena. And the two of us have been talking about this for a while, but I wanted your permission first. I want to marry Natasha." Steve tells us. "Really?" I ask excitedly. "Yes, really." He confirms.

I immediately jump off the couch and hug him tightly. He hugs me back, "I take that as a yes?" "Yes." I chuckle. "Wait, does this mean you can legally adopt me?" I look up at him. "I mean, I'd have to talk to your mom about that first but I would love to, Y/N." He smiles.

We realise Yelena hasn't said anything yet and we turn our heads to face her to see that she is giving Steve a death stare. "Please say yes, Yelena." I beg, placing my hands on her shoulders and giving her my best attempt at puppy eyes. She moves me out of the way and stands up. "I swear to god, fossil. If I say yes and then you go and break my sisters heart, I will not even hesitate to kill you." She says and I know she means every word. "I wouldn't dream of it." Steve says. Yelena glares at him before saying, "Fine."

"Yay!" I exclaim, jumping up and down. "Oh, when are you gonna do it?" I ask enthusiastically. "When are you gonna do what?" My mom says as she walks into the room. Obviously she had just gotten back from her mission. "Nothing!" I say quickly. My mom raises an eyebrow at me and laughs. "It doesn't sound like nothing." She says. "Well it is nothing." Yelena pipes up, saving my ass. "Y/N? Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Mom says seriously. I go to speak up - slightly scared of what mom might do if I don't tell her - but Yelena covers my mouth with her hand before I get the chance. "Don't, Y/N" Yelena and Steve scold at the same time. "Please, Y/N." Mom begs.

I lick Yelena's hand to get it off my mouth. "Ew!" She whines, wiping her hand on Steve's shoulder. "Don't even think about telling her Y/N." Yelena says and I take a deep breath. "You know, I'm starting to see this as a hate crime so I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room." I nod, making my way out of the room. 'Tell me later?' Mom mouths to me. "Nope." I say and she rolls her eyes playfully.

three days later

I know Steve was taking my mom out tonight and I really hope that he is going to propose because these last few days have been torture, trying to keep this secret from my mom. She's tried everything to get it out of me but has failed. I have to say that I'm quite proud of myself for being able to keep this secret from her. She even tried accidentally tricking me into saying it, but I always could see through was she was doing.

It was past midnight by the time they got home and I did everything I could to stay awake because I am most certainly not a night owl. I had some horror movie on the TV in the living so I could literally scare myself into not falling asleep.

When I heard the sound of my mom's heels coming into the living room I immediately switched off the TV and turned my head around to face her. She had a sheepish grin on her face. My eyes fell to her left hand and I smile widely when I noticed the ring. "Ahh!" I scream, jumping over the couch and engulfing her in a massive hug. She lifts me up and spins me around, matching my energy.

"Let me see the ring!" I say, grabbing her hand. "Oh, it's so pretty." I smile, looking back up at my mom with tears in my eyes. "Oh sweetheart, why are you crying?" She asks gently, pulling me into her embrace. "I'm so happy for you!" I cry into her shoulder. "Also, I'm so relieved that I don't have to keep this a secret anymore." I tell her which causes her to chuckle.

"I have a surprise for you." Mom tells me. "What is it?" I ask, pulling away from the hug and wiping the tears from under my eyes. "It's in the kitchen." She says, grabbing my hand and dragging me in the kitchen.

"I bought this for you a while ago, but I've been waiting for the right time to give it to you." She admits, handing me a Tiffany & Co bag. "Woah, this is fancy." I gasp, as I untie the ribbon. I open it up to see a silver arrow necklace that matches hers. The tears start to form in my eyes again as I hug her. "Thank you mama." I say.

"Why are you giving me this now?" I ask curiously, pulling away from the hug. "Because, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to be my maid of honour?" Mom asks. "Really?"

"Yes, really." She smiles. "Of course I will!" I exclaim. "Yay." She chuckles, placing lots of kisses on my head.


a/n: i hope this was okay?!

i hope you are all doing well and that you have a great day/night <3

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