no strings attached

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*this is a Natasha x Girlfriend one shot
not daughter!

I wrote this ages ago like back in October I think when I was starting to write and enemies with benefits book but haven't really written further than 2 chapters (for now) so I thought I'd share it

"Ouch! Fuck me!" I groan, resting my hands against my forehead where I had just previously hit the floor.

I turn over onto my back and rest up against my elbows, looking up at Natasha. I go to speak but clothes are thrown at my face before I can even get a word out. "Put your clothes back on," She orders.

"Did you push me off the bed?" I query, moving my clothes out of my face and standing up from the floor.

"You fell asleep," She shrugs casually. "I fell asleep, so you pushed me off the bed?" I scoff, pulling my shirt over my head. "Yeah well, you're a heavy sleeper and I don't want you in here anymore. Besides, shouldn't there be a rule that we can't sleep in each other's bed?"

"Let me get this straight, you'll have sex with me but I'm not allowed to fall asleep in your bed?" I raise an eyebrow, doing the button on my jeans up. "Exactly. Me having to let you sleep in my bed wasn't part of our agreement."

"I didn't know we had rules?" I chuckle. "Well, we do." She rolls her eyes. "Please. Enlighten me," I say teasingly. "Okay. For starters, no sleeping in my bed."
"Yeah, I've gathered that one already," I nod, narrowing my eyes at her.

"Um...absolutely no telling anybody about the fact that we're sleeping together," She sternly orders. "Trust me honey, not something I'm too proud of. I'm won't be telling anyone."

She rolls her eyes again. This woman I swear has the attitude of a toddler who never gets what they want. "I can't think of anything else except; you're not allowed to fall in love with me."

I immediately burst out into a fit of laughter. By the look on Natasha's face, I can tell it probably hurt her ego a bit but I can't help it. If I was ever capable of falling in-love, let alone with Natasha Romanoff, it would be the last thing I do.

"Sorry, it's think really highly of yourself. Don't you?" I giggle. "I'm serious Ivy. You have to promise me," She deadpans. "Fine. I here by promise Natasha Romanoff that I will not fall in love with her," I speak somewhat seriously, putting my hand on my heart as I try to hold back my laughter.

"Get out of my room," She says, clearly annoyed,  grabbing ahold of my wrist and storming over to the door. Just as she goes to open it, I step in front of her. "Wait, I'm sorry. I promise I won't fall in love with you," I speak seriously.

"Was it so hard?" She raises an eyebrow.

"You have to promise that you won't fall in love with me either," I decide. "Don't flatter yourself," She chuckles, reaching behind me for the door handle.

"I'm serious. Pinky promise me," I smile, holding out my pinky. "I'll promise you, but I refuse to pinky promise you. We're not children," She rolls her eyes. "Pinky promise me or our deal is off," I narrow my eyes at her.

Natasha glares at me harshly. "Fine, have it your way," I shrug, turning to leave.

Her hand grabs my shoulder to turn me back around. She lifts up my hand and locks our pinkies together. A proud smile forms on my lips. "You're a fucking child sometimes. I swear," She states. I stick my tongue out at her before turning back around and leaving.

As soon as the door closes behind me I notice Kate walking down the hall. "What we're you doing coming out of Natasha's room?" She questions. "Oh, uh. Nothing," I say very unconvincingly, leaning my back up against the door. Kate raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing my answer.

I try to make up something but no words come out of my mouth. Suddenly, Natasha's door swings wide open and I fall back onto my ass. "Are you kidding me?" I groan, throwing my head back to look up at her. "Your fault for leaning against my door," She shrugs, looking down at me with a smirk.

Kate looks between the both of us, clearly confused. She reaches out a hand for me anyway and helps me off the floor.

"So what's going on?" She queries. "Ivy was thinking of planning a surprise birthday party for Peter next week and she wanted to know if I could help," Natasha lies, although it wouldn't be clear she was lying if I didn't already know the truth. She's such a good liar, it makes me question how often she's lied it to me and I believed her.

But a surprise party, really Nat? You're going to make me plan a fucking surprise party now?

"Oh okay, well if you want; I'd be happy to help? I mean you two don't exactly agree on like...anything," She offers. "S-sure," I nod with a small smile. "Cool. Well I'm gonna go train and we can start planning it in a couple of hours?" She suggests. "Okay, yeah. Sounds good," I smile and nod. "Great. See you then," She speaks, walking off down the hall and into the elevator.

Once the doors close, I turn my gaze to Natasha and cross my arms over my chest. An evil smirk lies on her lips. "I actually hate you," I state.

Her smirk grows as she looks down at me. That's another thing I hate about Natasha; is that her five foot three ass is still taller than me who unfortunately stands at a not so very grand height of five foot one.

It's not really that much of a difference, but it's enough for her to be able to look down at me.

"You have to help me plan it now. You know that, right?" I inform her. "No I don't," She argues, crossing her own arms over her chest and leaning against the doorframe. "Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"It's only fair since you're the one making me do it," I say, beginning to become frustrated.

"Just tell Kate you changed your mind," Natasha shrugs, clearly enjoying the fact that she's making me frustrated. "I can't do that," I roll my eyes. "Why not?"
"Because she'll get suspicious," I sigh deeply, resting my head against my hand.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna leave it up to you to sort it out," Natasha decides, stepping backwards and closing the door in my face.

I scoff and immediately open it again, stepping inside her room. "You can't do that, Natasha," I scold, kicking her in the shin.

She freezes in front of me and looks down. "Did you just kick me?" She questions with an amused expression. "Yes. Yes I did."

She quirks an eyebrow and kicks me back. "Ow, that hurt!" I groan, bending down and rubbing my shin. "You did it first."

"Well you pushed me off the bed!"

"You fell asleep!"

"You're the one who decided to have sex with me in the first place!"

Natasha slams her hand over my mouth. "Keep your voice down."

I roll my eyes, licking her hand which causes her to groan and wipe it on the sleeve of my shirt. "You're not invited to the party," I decide, sticking my tongue out at her.

exactly one year ago yesterday was the first time I ever posted on Wattpad ahaha

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