texts with mama nat

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N: where the fuck are you at 3am and WHY ARENT YOU IN BED?!!!
N: I swear to god you better get you ass home right now!

Y/N: I'm at target with Yelena 🙃
Y/N: want anything?

N: yeah actually I'm out of dark chocolate


N: got a call from your school today...

Y/N: Mhm?

N: you haven't handed in your homework in 3 weeks.

Y/N: well I figured the more homework I
hand in the more they think it's okay
to give me so I stopped doing it xx

N: where's the logic in that?!

Y/N: idk you just can't see is with
your low IQ 🤷🏻‍♀️

N: just do your homework or no movies nights for a month.

Y/N: fine.


N: You and Wanda downstairs! Now!

Y/N: what why?

N: the entire compound could hear you last night.

Y/N: oh well in that case I'm gonna
jump out a window instead x


Y/N: you need me to bring you anything?
do you still feel like shit?

N: I'm okay thank you my sweet girl x
N: and watch your language you little shit :)

Y/N: wow bitch

N: you're lucky I'm too sick to get out of bed.


N: I'm picking you up from school today.

Y/N: yay! why?

N: I want to go shopping with you :)


N: can you kids stop screaming? it's 3am

Y/N: no. Taylor just released 7 more songs

N: oh well in that case I wanna come listen. give me a minute


N: have you told Wanda?

Y/N: told her what?

N: that you want to marry her.

Y/N: see this is why I shouldn't have
told you. I said I had a minor
crush on her and now you think i want
to marry her.

N: grow a pair and tell her

Y/N: shut up and finish your mission.

N: bossy much?

Y/N: wonder who's daughter I am 🤷🏻‍♀️


Y/N: I feel like I don't tell you this enough
Y/N: but im so so grateful for you and I
love you so much 🫶🏼🏳️‍🌈
Y/N: threw the flag in there too cause
why not!

N: my sweet girl, I love you more than life and I am so lucky to call you my daughter. Thank you for letting me be your mama 🤍🏳️‍🌈

Y/N: can I come and give you cuddles?

N: do you really have to ask?

I wanna do more of these cause it's fun and gives me so much motivation to shift!

also I want you to know that you are loved and appreciated and I'm so proud of you :)

Natasha Romanoff x Daughter One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now