
8.9K 110 29

Words: 1237
Ages: 18 & Pietro is 19.
Requested by: erinlanyon
Also I guess there's a little bit of smut?!? But only because I had to write it to fit the request ahah but there's not much because that shit is uncomfortable to write 🤷🏻‍♀️

y/n POV:
Pietro and I have been together for just over a year. We took our relationship slow in the beginning because it was my first real relationship and Pietro didn't want me to feel like I had to do anything I wasn't ready for which was really sweet of him.
I was scared to tell my mom about my relationship, not because I think she'll be angry with me, but more so because she'd go all overprotective mom mode and hurt Pietro.

About 6 months into my relationship I was sitting watching a movie on the couch with Pietro and Wanda. Everyone else was on a mission, at least that's what I thought.
Wanda had left to go to the bathroom which left Pietro and I alone.

He put his hand on my thigh gradually, his hand got closer to my core. "Stop doing that, Wanda is going to catch us." I said. "Wanda already knows about us, I thought you knew that?" he responded with a confused look on his face. "Yeah well duh, I know she's knows, but that doesn't mean she has to see us doing anything." I responded. He took his hand away and crossed his arms and poured like a 2 year who wasn't getting what they wanted. "Oh my gosh don't be such a child." I laughed. Pietro always sulked when he didn't get what he wanted in any circumstance. It was quite funny to watch.


As the movie ended I saw that Wanda had fallen asleep on the couch. Pietro had stopped being a child and I was cuddled up next to him with my head on his shoulder and his arm was wrapped around me.

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked him whilst I sat up. "I can think of a few things." Pietro said with a smirk on his face. He kissed me as I straddled him. We continued to make out for a few minutes before I remembered that Wanda was asleep on the couch next to us and could wake up at any minute. I pulled up but he continued kissing my neck. "Hmm, Pietro we can't do this here, let's take this upstairs." I said, trying not to moan as he found me sweet spot.

He picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and carried me the the elevator.
As the doors opened he pushed me up against the wall, our lips still connected.

As we reached our floor both of us were half naked now leaving my in my bra and shorts and Pietro just in his sweatpants. The elevator doors opened and I walked out backwards as Pietro attacked my neck with kisses, leaving bruises.

As I walked backwards I bumped into something, both of us not realising it was a person until we heard someone say "what the fuck?!?"
We pulled away from each other and my eyes widened when I saw who it was. My mom.

I still hadn't told my mom about Pietro and I, and this definitely wasn't how I wanted her to find out. My mom stood there with as confused, yet angry look on her face. There was a moment of awkward silence, none of us not knowing what to say until my mom spoke and said "Get some clothes on and meet my in my room when you're dressed I want to speak to you." I nodded absolutely shitting my self because I knew she was pissed at me.

(time skip to 6 months later)

My mom ended up being fine with the Pietro thing. She didn't end up getting angry with me, she was just more upset that I thought I couldn't tell her. I'm pretty sure she did threaten Pietro though.

There were a couple instances where mom had walked in on Pietro and I making out, but nothing that involved us with no clothes on. I swear that women doesn't know how to knock though.


"Hmmm, don't stop, don't stop" I let out between moans as Pietro ate me out. Just as I was about to reach my climax I heard the door swing open. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" my mom said covering her eyes and left the room. "Damn it." I grunted. "I'm so sorry Pietro I'll go talk to her." I said, both of us knowing that the mood was ruined.

I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and went to go talk to my mom. I was mad. She never stops to knock and has no respect for privacy. If it was the first time it had happened I would let it slide but it's not and I was not happy about it. Also slightly embarrassed, no one wants their mom walking in and seeing that.

I walked down the hall and went into her room. "What the hell mom you can't just walk into my room without knocking!" I yelled. "Woah calm down y/n." she laughed slightly as she said it.

Nat was clearly not fussed. Obviously she did not want to see what she just saw but she understood that y/n was 18 and that these things would happen.

"How is this funny mom? You have no respect for me privacy! I'm so sick of you barging in whenever you want!" my voice still raised, but slightly confused as to why she was laughing. Her face dropped to a slightly more serious expression. "Stop yelling y/n!" she said as her voice got more stern but she still remained calm. "I'm sorry for never knocking and for not respecting your privacy, I promise I'll try to be more respectful." My mom said with an apologetic tone. I took and breathe before saying "thank you." She pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "Maybe I should just get Tony to put locks on the bedroom doors." She said. "I think a lot of people would appreciate that. Especially you and Bucky." I laughed. She pulled away from the hug and looked me in the eye. "How do you know about that?" She questioned. "Oh please your bedroom in only 2 doors down from mine and you guys are not exactly quiet." I giggled slightly. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry you had to hear that y/n. But are you okay with it?" "Oh yeah of course, I won $300 on a bet that you would get together so I can't complain. But then I spent that money on soundproof headphones so I wouldn't have to hear it." She rolled her eyes "who was in on this bet?" she raised her eyebrow. "Oh pretty much everyone, expect for Steve and Clint."
We both laughed.

This one kinda sucks but anyways...
Not proofread so sorry for any mistakes!

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