she might be my chance

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age: 6

"Romanoff, we've got to get out of here." Tony informs me over coms. "I'm almost done—"
"Okay, I'm on my way out." I tell him, grab the usb and make my back to the quinjet.

As I'm running through the concrete hallways of the hydra base, I faintly start to hear someone whimpering. The cry sounded like it was coming from a child so I followed it and it lead me to a room full of cells.

I couldn't see anyone at first until I turned a corner and saw a young girl curled up in the corner of a cell, her hands covering her ears as she cried.

Immediately, I broke the lock and opened the door, crouching down beside her. "Please don't hurt me. I didn't do anything." She whimpers, looking at me in fear. "Oh sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you but we need to get you out of here, okay?" I say gently and the girl shakes her head.

"Nat, you've got less than two minutes until this place blows." Steve warns me.

"I promise, you're safe with me. I'm going to get you out of here." I assure her gently, reaching out my hand.

She still remains silent, only cowering more into corner.

I take a deep breath. "Please come with me, honey." I beg and she shakes her head again.

"Romanoff, where are you? You've got one minute before you're blown up!" Tony scolds.

"Alright, we need to go." I pick her up, lifting her onto my hip and she tries to fight out of my arms. As I'm carrying her out of the cell I notice that she's reaching for something behind me so I turn my head and see I teddy bear lying in the makeshift bed. "You want your bear?" I question gently and she nods.

I quickly go over and pick up her bear and pass it to her before getting out of the base as quickly as possible.

"Natasha, you've got thirty seconds. Where the fuck are you?" Tony yells. "I'm coming."

The two of us get out of the building just before it blows, getting into the quinjet just in time.

The team let out a sigh of relief as I walk in. "Who's that?" Tony points to the kid in my arms and I shrug. "Hydra was keeping her in a cell."

The girl turns her head to look at Tony and the team before burying her head into my neck. "My name is Y/N." She mumbles. I smile gently and look down at her. "I'm Natasha." I inform her softly, moving the hair out of her face.

"How old are you, Y/N?" I question. "I'm six." She says quietly, holding up six fingers, causing her drop her bear. I tried to bend down to pick it up, but can't with Y/N in my arms so Wanda picks it up for me and passes it to her.

"Thank you." Y/N smiles shyly at Wanda.

I took a seat and placed Y/N on my lap. "It's going to be a while before we get home. Do you want something to eat?" I question softly. "But it's not time for dinner yet? I'm only allowed to eat when it's nighttime." Her face contorts into a frown and I smile sadly.

"You can eat whenever you want now, sweetheart. Are you hungry?" I offer and she nods. "Okay, let's see what we can find." I stand back up and bring her over to where we keep the food. Obviously being on the quinjet, the options are limited but I managed to find a bag of chips and some chocolate.

I unwrap the chocolate with my teeth, as I am still holding Y/N in my arms. "Here you go, honey." I pass a few pieces of chocolate to her. "What is it?" She questions curiously. "It's chocolate. Try it, it's really good." I explain with a smile.

She hesitantly takes a bite before her face absolutely lights up. "You like it?" I question with a slight chuckle and she nods her head vigorously.

The rest of way home, Y/N ended up falling asleep with her head buried in my neck as I talked to the team and we discussed what we were going to do.

We came to the agreement that we'd keep her with us, at least until we found out what HYDRA had done with her and then we would go from there.

When we landed, Y/N started to wake up. "Hi sleepyhead." I smile as she looks up at me, rubbing her eyes.

It had just gone seven pm and when we all got inside Wanda said that she'd start on making something for dinner and I took Y/N upstairs and into my bedroom to run her a bath. I made sure not to make the water too hot and to put lots of bubbles in.

Whilst it filled up, I took out the smallest shirt I could find for her to sleep in, knowing that it would be like a dress on her.

"Do you want me to stay in here whilst you're in the bath or do you want me to wait in my room?" I question, helping her out of her clothes. "Can you stay with my please?" She asks shyly, looking down at her feet. "Of course I can." I kiss her forehead.

Y/N sat in the bath and played with the bubbles as I began to wash her hair, careful to not get any shampoo in her eyes. It was a bit difficult at first because she kept putting the bubbles on her head and giggling, but I didn't mind. It made me smile hearing her laugh.

"Natty?" She says as I wrap her in a towel. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Thank you for saving me." She looks at me with tears in her tired eyes. I smile softly and kiss her forehead. "You don't need to thank me."

"Let's do your hair and then we can go downstairs to have some dinner and then go to sleep. Does that sound good?" I ask and she nods with a small smile. "Okay."

I took out my hairbrush to start brushing through her hair before I started to braid it. Afterwards I helped her get dressed into the very oversized shirt and she held onto my hand tightly as we went downstairs to eat.

Wanda had made spaghetti bolognese and when we all sat down at the table, Y/N didn't sit in the empty seat next to me, but instead she climbed onto my lap. Everyone looked surprised at how casually she did it and I turned my head down to her. "You comfy there?" I asked with a bit of a giggle. "Mhm." She nodded with a cheeky smile.

Y/N finished her dinner before me and rested her head against my chest as I finished eating. Sure enough, she closed her eyes and was asleep in a matter of a few minutes.

"She seems to trust you." Steve points out. "And you've gone immediately soft, Romanoff. I don't think I've seen this side to you." Tony adds with a laugh. "Yeah well, she might just be the chance I never thought I would get." I smile, looking down at Y/N.

"I'm going to take her to bed." I decide, carefully adjusting her in my lap so that I can carry her upstairs. "Night Nat."

When I lay Y/N down in my bed, she groans slightly and open her eyes. "Sorry, sweetheart. You can go back to sleep." I coo. "Where's my bear?" She asks in a tired voice. "He's here." I pass it to her. "Thank you." She smiles, closing her eyes again.

I pull the covers over her and kiss her cheek. "Good night Y/N."
"Night night." She mumbles.

Once I turned off the main light, I went to my bathroom to shower and get into my pyjamas before climbing into bed next to Y/N.

A/N: hellooo
how is everyone?

not proofread :)

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