dirty laundry & vapes

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Natasha's POV:
"Bye mom, I'll see you after school." y/n said before walking out the door.

Once y/n had left I cleaned up the kitchen after we'd all eaten breakfast before heading to the laundry room to do some washing.

As I went to put the laundry in the machine I realised y/n hasn't bought her basket down after I reminded her at least 3 times.

I went up to y/n's room and saw that her close were scattered all over the floor, dirty dishes, rubbish and her homework everywhere. I know she's a teenager and keeping her room clean isn't a priority for her but this was disgusting. She can at least try to make an effort...
I sighed before grabbing her basket from her bathroom and picking up all her dirty laundry from the floor. As I was picking up her clothes something fell out of the pocket of one of her hoodies. I picked it up and realised what is was. God, she was gonna be in deep shit when she got home.

I continued to do the laundry and anything else that needed to get done before I decided to message y/n.

Come straight home after school, I need to talk to you.

I was gonna go hang out with Mj after school. Can whatever it is wait?!

You can hang out with Mj another time, I want you home. No excuses.


I sighed putting my phone in my back pocket. What could possibly be so important that it couldn't wait? I mean sure mom goes on last minute missions but she would always tell me if that was the case.

I went to go find Mj to tell her that I couldn't hang out with her today. "Hey loser, why the long face?" Mj asked. "Mom wants me home after school for some reason, can we hang out another time?" I sighed. "Yeah sure that's fine. Hope everything is okay." she said.

I walked through the doors of the compound a big anxious as the what my mom wants to talk to me about.

I made my way to the kitchen to find uncle Tony making coffee. "Hey kid" he enthusiastically spoke. Geez does he really need more coffee I thought to myself. "Hey uncle Tony" I sighed throwing my back onto one the the kitchen stools. "Why you home so early, you're never home straight after school?" "Yeah I wanted to go hang out with Mj but mom told me she wanted to speak with me about something so she said I had to come home." "Oh good luck with that kid, she's been in the worst mood all day." I said patting my shoulder before leaving the kitchen. "Great" I said to myself whilst I walked over the fridge to find something to eat.

I turned around after grabbing a chocolate bar to see my mom standing there leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed and a sour look on her face.
"You know it's not nice to sneak up on people like that!" I said trying to break the very clear tension in the air. She said nothing. "Okay not in the mood for jokes I see. What did you so desperately need to speak to me about that it couldn't wait a few more hours?" "Drop the attitude y/n." She sternly said with a slightly raised voice. "Geez, no 'how was your day' or anything?" I boldly spoke. "I wouldn't y/n, you're already on thin ice!" "Why? How am I on thin ice?" I said whilst eating my chocolate. I saw her pull something out from her back pocket. It was my vape. I decided that I was gonna play it off. "That's not mine." I said. "Mhm, is that right?" My mom replied, raising her eyebrow. "Yeah?!" I said, not as convincing as I wanted to sound. "Okay, so explain why I found it in the pocket of one of your hoodies?" "Must've not been my hoodie." I shrugged. "Y/N stop trying to get your way out of this, it was your hoodie, you wear it nearly all the time. 'Damn it' I said under me breath. "You're grounded big time young lady" she sternly said before running the vape under the water and chucking it in the trash.

'At least she only found the one.' I mumbled under my breath so she couldn't her me. At least that's what I thought.

"What was that?" my mom turned to look at me. "Nothing." I replied. "y/n what did you say?" I shrugged not wanting to answer her. "There's more than just the one isn't there?" I questioned with no expression on her face. I stayed silent. "Show my where they are y/n." She said raising her voice at me before dragging me up to my room.

I went into my drawer and got out the other 3 vapes before handing them to her. "How'd you even get these?" She's asked. "Some guy at school." she sighed at my response. "I expected better from Y/N, you know how dangerous this is." "I know and I'm sorry." I said trying not to cry. I hate letting my mom down. "It's okay, just know that if I EVER find you doing it again, I'll beat your ass." She slightly laughed. She pulled me into a hug before saying "I want you home straight after school for the next two weeks, and no Peter for a week." "WHAT NO PETER?" "No Peter." She repeated. "Ugh!" I said heavily. She just chuckled. "You know I love you more than anything y/n" she smiled at me. "I love you too мама!" "Also clean up your room! This is just a mess." I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled.

986 words
Heyyy, I just wanted to say thank you for 3k reads, it honestly means so much 🤍🤍
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