you two what?

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Age: 17
*nat is not technically reader's mom but mother figure ya know. also should specify that wanda is also 17 in this.

"Has anyone seen Y/N?" I ask around the living space of the tower. "She was on the balcony with Wanda about an hour ago, haven't seen her since," Tony admits. "Huh. Maybe they finally admitted their very obvious feelings for each other," Maria adds to which I chuckle.

"Could say the same for you two," Steve says.

"...Alright well, I'm going to try and find her," I decide.

After twenty minutes and no luck, I finally bumped into Wanda. "Hey, you seen Y/N/N anywhere?" I question. "Uh, yeah. She fell asleep," she explains, scratching the back of her neck before gesturing down the hall. "Already? It's ten o'clock, and there's a party. That's not like her," I giggle.
Wanda shrugs, "I-I think she's just tired and we both had too much to drink so I'm going to sleep off this headache as well."

She seems distracted as she speaks, looking back down the hall and behind me, avoiding any eye contact. "Are you okay?" I frown. "Hm?" Her eyes finally meet mine. "Witchy, what's up?" I raise an eyebrow. "What? Nothing?"
"You just seem off," I tell her. "Oh. I'm fine, I promise. Just tired," she speaks with an unconvincing smile.

"Okay...well you can come get me if you need, yeah?" I assure her, placing a firm hand on her shoulder. She nods, "Thanks."

After she'd walked further down the hallway and into her bedroom I went into Y/N's, only slightly peeking my head through the door to see that she was in fact, fast asleep.

Three Days Later.

I sat in the common room with most of the team as we went over the mission we had returned from earlier today. It wasn't meant to be overly difficult, but we ended up having a few complications which resulted in Clint being injured.

"Alright, we're done," Steve declares, walking over into the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of water. Everyone bar Y/N, Vision, Tony and I stood up and left the room just as Wanda came in. She's been 'sick' since the party, therefore didn't go on the mission, but from what I've gathered there's something that's been going on underneath the surface playing on her mind.

Just like the last three days, the moment Y/N and Wanda see each other an uncomfortable tension fills the room and one of them leaves. This time being Y/N.

We all watch as she disappears down the stairs before turning our attention to Wanda. "What on earth happened with you two?" Tony questions. "Nothing," Wanda shrugs. "Oh, so the clear avoidance of each other since the party is just because...?"

She visibly takes a deep breath. "It's really nobodies business, and I don't want to talk about it so please don't ask."

"Okay, sorry," he throws his hands up as if to surrender.

"If this continues though we're making you two come clean because you're 'teen drama' isn't fair on the rest of the team. We work together," Steve speaks seriously. "Steve," I sigh, titling my head and glaring at him. "I'm just saying," he says. "Wasn't necessary," I tell him.

A few more minutes pass before I decide to go check in on Y/N. I presumed she would be in her room and that's where I found her.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" I question, sitting at the end of her bed. "I need to talk to you about something," she blurts out, "but I need you to promise not to judge and it's probably going to be too much information but I can't talk to anyone else about and I need your advice."

"Okay, I promise not to judge," I assure her to which she nods, taking a deep breath.

"Wanda and I had sex and haven't spoken to each other since," she tells me, eyes closed tightly shut.

"You two what!?" I whisper-yell. Y/N rolls her eyes. "Sorry, I just...wasn't expecting you to say that," I apologise.

"It's fine," she nods, "It's just...we were both drunk and then we were talking and it just sort of happened. I don't even remember how, or who initiated it but afterwards Wanda left and I fell asleep, and we didn't even speak about it. I don't even know if she knows I remember because we were that wasted but I have no idea what to do and I just—"

"Okay honey, slow down. First of all, however it happened, the two of you obviously have had some feelings for each other for a while and you're both idiots for trying to hide them. Second of all, I know it's hard, but you need to be honest with her about how you feel. I might not be a mind reader, but I can read her like a book and she obviously feels the same way."

"Do you think?" Y/N mumbles, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. "Absolutely," I nod with a subtle smile. "Promise me you'll talk to her, today?" I raise an eyebrow. "Fine."
"Good," I pat her leg with a small giggle.

"Oh third of all," I start. "What now?" She rolls her eyes playfully. "Was it good?"

"Natasha! Why did you have to make it more awkward!" She raise her voice, wide-eyed. My small giggle turns into laughter. "I'm just asking. I might see you as my daughter, but you're also my best friend," I shrug. "So, was it good?"

"I'm not answering that."

"Oh, it was bad?" I cringe.

"No, it wasn't bad. At all. I just have nothing to compare it to."
"Oh. Ohhhh. This was the first time you've ever—"
"And you were wasted?" I laugh. "Shut up," she throws a pillow at me.

"Wait let me get this straight. The first time you had sex you were wasted, it happened with the girl you're practically in love with, and you haven't spoken to each in three whole days?" I tease with a shit-eating grin on my face. "Get out of my room," Y/N shakes her head, standing up and dragging me out by the arm as I try to contain my laughter.

"Go tell Maria you love her," She giggles, pushing me out the door and closing it behind her.

just a little bit of awkwardness for your Tuesday :)

anyways I hope you have a good day!!

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