professor romanoff

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age: 18
warnings: domestic abuse
also sorry my little gays, you have a boyfriend in this but you can change it if you want ahah

It's my first semester teaching at NYU or any college for that matter. I was really nervous about starting but very quickly got used to it and most of the students I have are amazing. Nearly everyone shows up on time and hands in their assignments when they're meant to, except this one student Y/N.

Y/N from day one has never shown up to a lecture on time. She always seems distracted and has not once handed in an assignment on time. Don't get me wrong, she's an amazing student in the sense that she's incredibly smart and somehow always ends up with an A, but her effort level in class really started to get under my skin.

...up until a last week.

I teach Y/N three times a week and I noticed when she walked in twenty minutes late last Friday she looked like she'd been crying. Her face was splotchy and she had mascara under her eyes. "Sorry I'm late," She apologised whilst avoiding any eye contact with me. Usually I would say something but that day I just sent her a small smile in response. It didn't seem like the time to scold her.

Monday, she was late again and came in crying, again. She didn't apologise that day, she just walked straight to her seat at the front of class and started working.

Thursday, which was yesterday, I had Y/N again. It was the first time she was on time. Well, almost. She was two minutes late but we hadn't started the lecture yet so it didn't count.

She kept her head low the whole time, she didn't look at me or anyone else for that matter.

At the end of the lesson she slowly packed up her things and made her way out, her being one of the last students to leave. All of a sudden I felt the urge to ask her if she was okay.

"Y/N, can you stay behind," I questioned. Her head immediately turned to me and my eyes went wide as I took notice of the bruise under her eye that she'd very obviously tried to cover with makeup, and the cut on her lip.

When everyone else had left I asked her what happened. "I fell down the stairs," She told me with a nervous chuckle.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded with a small smile.

I didn't know what to do because honestly, I think I was a little I let her go thinking that maybe she did just fall down the stairs.

Today, she didn't show up for the lecture at all. I was expecting her to walk in the door at any time because once she was forty minutes late, but at least she still showed.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. It bothered me so much that I could barely focus on teaching, so I let my class go early. It was an afternoon lecture and the last one of the day, so I stayed behind in my classroom and worked on what I was going to teach next week.

It was five o'clock and starting to get dark out when I heard a knock on the door. Usually it's just some of the other professors asking if I want to join them for Friday night drinks, so I've learnt to lock the door and pretend I've already gone home. But there was another knock, and another. So I chose to get up and open it, really hoping that it wasn't another professor.

I opened it to see nobody there so I turned my head to the right and notice Y/N walking down the empty hallway. "Y/N? Was that you knocking?" I question.

She turns my head around to face me and my heart shatters when I see her state. Her face and neck are littered in bruises and her lip is bleeding. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I came to you, I'll leave you be," She smiles lightly, turning back around to walk away. "No, it's okay. Come talk," I speak gently.

She hesitantly turns around and walks into my classroom. I lock the door behind us and gesture over to sit on the chair at the desk.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you. I just didn't know who else to talk to and I don't know, you seem nice. Even though I show up late everyday," She speaks nervously. "You're not bothering me, you can talk to me," I assure her softly and a small smile forms on her lips.

"What happened?" I question as gently as I can. Her eyes brim with tears and she lets out a shaky breath. When she goes to speak, she stops herself. I can see the doubt behind her eyes.

"You didn't fall down the stairs, did you sweetheart?" I sigh. She shakes her head and bursts into tears. I don't know why, but I immediately want to start crying too.

"Can I hug you?" I ask softly. Again, she shakes her head no, which is completely understandable. "Who did this to you, Y/N?" I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying.

"My boyfriend," She admits, wiping her eyes with the palm of her hands. "Oh honey, how long has this been happening?"
"A few months."

I can't help but wonder why she came to my about this. Not that I mind at all I want to be there for her. But it's strange considering we've barely had a conversation about anything other than the work she missed out on.

"I-I don't know what to do. My parents don't talk to me, and I don't have any friends and I can't go back to my dorm because my boyfriend will be there and I-I just feel safe in your class for some reason," She chokes.

I frown slightly at her confession before offering; "Would you like to come back to my apartment and I can help clean up and we go can from there. Does that sound okay?"

A cry of relief escapes her as she nods. "Okay. Thank you," She whispers. I smile lightly before quickly packing up my things and holding out my hand for Y/N to hold.

She hesitantly took it after picking up her own bag and phone before we walked out of the classroom and made our way to my car.

When we got to my apartment, I helped Y/N out the car and up the stairs. The elevator was out of order.

I could tell that she was in a lot of pain trying to walk up the stairs, so I carefully wrapped my arm around her back as she put a lot of her body weight on me.

As soon as we got inside, I took Y/N's bag and placed it on the kitchen counter before leading her over to the couch. "Give me one minute, let me just get a few things," I tell her softly and she nods.

When I came back I gently started cleaning her face as she cried. I placed a couple steri strips on the cut above her left eye and and just below her lip. I applied some cream to help with the bruising and swelling and gave her some medication to help with the pain.

"Does anywhere else hurt?" I question gently. She nods; "Everywhere hurts, my back especially."

"Okay," I nod gently, "Do you have a top on underneath your hoodie?"
She nods in response and gently starts to take off her hoodie, revealing an absurd amount of purple and yellow bruises and red raw cuts.

"Shit," I whisper to myself. "I'm sorry," Y/N cries. "Oh sweetheart, this isn't your fault. I'm so sorry that this happened," I coo, cupping her face in my hands. "I'm going to help you get out of this situation, okay? You can stay with me for however long you need and I'm going to be with you every single step of the way."

A sad yet thankful smile curls onto her lips. "Okay," She frowns as I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. "Thank you," She whispers.

When I'd helped Y/N get cleaned up, I gave her a pair of pyjamas to sleep in ordered in from my favourite Chinese restaurant for dinner. I showed her into the spare room and made sure she had everything she needed before she went to sleep. She asked my to leave the door open and the lamp on which I did before telling her that she could come get me at whatever time in the night.

A/N: hi <3
how is everyone?

this hasn't been proofread so sorry for any mistakes or typos!

only five more one-shots and this book will be complete !!

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